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Green Hope workshop to celebrate International Youth Day2015

by | 21-08-2015 16:19 recommendations 0

Green Hope , which empowers , educates and engages the Future Generations celebrated International Youth Day 2015 by conducting an environment workshop for young people building the theme of "Youth Civic Engagement". As we embark on the post2015 era , we must ensure that we are able to achieve our dream of "leaving no one behind" . With this objective in mind , we celebrated IYD2015 with  youth , while at the same time raising awareness amongst them about the SDGs.

Young people are amongst the largest stakeholders of civil society and yet , we continue to be severely challenged in terms of opportunities and representation. In many developing nations , we form the largest portion of the population and yet do not have a determining say in our future and well-being. Green Hope believes that education can lead to empowerment and we conduct workshops to carry forward this mission.

This workshop was conducted "by" young people , "for" young people and was held  in Dubai. The interactive workshop highlighted sustainable consumption as it's core message . With the global population crossing 7 billion , conserving our finite resources needs to be the key target to ensure a life of dignity for all. Adapting  a sustainable lifestyle would ensure social equity and well-being for all and would remove economic disparity. This message found special resonance amongst the  youth who attended this workshop.

The three hour event also highlighted the advent of the "post2015" era and explained the 17 sustainable development goals whose implementation would determine the future well-being of our planet. There were several interactive sessions  and the participants were divided into workgroups with each presenting their aspirations for a sustainable future.
it was very interactiveworkshop in progressgroup photo

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    The event seems very exciting and informative!!! Thanks for sharing and well done mate. Keep it up =)
    Posted 22-08-2015 10:11

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I appreciate the way you mobilise so many youths and carry out environment awareness events on almost all significant days like WED , IYD. Thanks for inspiring us , Kehkashan .
    Posted 22-08-2015 05:21

  • says :
    Yes,youth are an important part of every nation and need to be given opportunities.A very good celebration of Youth day by engaging the youth in various activities related to sustainable development.
    Posted 22-08-2015 00:46

  • says :
    I double agree that youths (mainly in underdeveloped coutries) are challenged in terms of opportunities and representation. The IYD 2015 celebration seems so huge and successful by Green Hope. I am sure the participants broadened their horizon about the SDGs and related opportunities/challenges.
    Thank you for the update dear Kehkashan :)
    Posted 21-08-2015 22:40

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