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United Nations High Level Political Forum in New York

by | 21-08-2015 16:37 recommendations 0

I had the opportunity of attending the United Nations High Level Political Forum in New York which brought together 193 member states , policy makers , civil society representatives and stakeholders . It was a huge learning experience , as one of the youngest delegates at this summit , to be deeply involved in the discussions and negotiations of the post 2015 agenda.

On 2nd July , I was privileged to  deliver a statement on behalf of children and youth . The theme was "Investing in the future we want: What will it require? " Our statement addressed the following :

1. What must be done differently to mobilize and allocate resources so as to realize the SDGs?

2. What does the shared vision to ?leave no one behind? imply in terms of financing for the new development agenda?

3. How to ensure that cross-cutting areas that do not have their ?own? goal, such as disaster risk reduction or transport, receive adequate attention in resource allocation?

It was reiterated that realisation of the SDGs will require a time bound, transformative and universal approach. There needs to be an equally high ambition with regards to defining and mobilising the means for their implementation  . Finance will be a critical component and it will require substantial upscaling to meet the particular investment needs in all the areas that the SDGs cover.  It is imerative to establish transparent accountability mechanisms at all levels – global , regional and nation,  for monitoring and review.

National reviews need to be the cornerstone and governments should have primary responsibility for implementation.We, the youth , need to be at the forefront of the sustainable development dialogue and this was my objective while participating in the HLPF .

Youth statement at HLPF

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a privilege!!! Congratulation!!! =) Keep it up!
    Posted 22-08-2015 10:08

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congrats Kehkashan for deserving and getting such an opportunity. I am so proud of you and so happy for you. Keep up the good work and keep inspiring us. Another ambassador Madhav Dutt too went there. You must have met him.
    Posted 22-08-2015 06:01

  • says :
    Dear Kehkashan, first of all I would like to congratulate you for having the opportunity to join United Nations High Level Political Forum in New York , you well deserve it dear :)
    I am sure you had fruitful discussions and put forward your views in a concrete manner. For sure we youths need to be at frontline in the dialogues of Post 2015 agenda for a sustainable vision.
    Thank you for sharing with us dear :)
    Posted 22-08-2015 01:59

  • says :
    Glad to know that you got a chance to be a part of such a high level political forum.Congratulations.I appreciate your interest and involvement in the negotiations there.Keep it up.
    Posted 22-08-2015 00:50

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