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World Humanitarian Day Green Hope conducts handout

by | 21-08-2015 17:45 recommendations 0

World Humanitarian Day was observed on 19th August and seeks to essentially recognize those who continue to help and serve humanity even in the face of adversity. The UN Secretary General said in his message ?In a world that is ever more digitally connected, each of us has the power and responsibility to inspire our fellow human beings to act to help others and create a more humane world.?

Even though the world produces enough food to feed all its citizens , yet millions die of hunger every year. This is due to the fact that almost 1.3 billion tonnes of edible food either rots in warehouses or goes waste every year. Poverty continues to be the most daunting obstacle in our path to sustainability.

Green Hope which wholly supports the belief that every human being is entitled to a life of dignity , organized a handout for workers at a factory to commemorate World Humanitarian Day. Our members had saved their pocket money for this purpose and with this we bought food packs for distributing to the workers.

We handed out food packs to 200 workers at this plant. Our effort was just a small drop in this ocean of need, but it is important that each member of civil society makes an effort. Sustainable consumption needs to at the core of our lifestyles to ensure that we do not waste our finite resources. We also need to ensure equitable distribution so that no one in left behind as we move to realise the future we want.

Group photoHanding over the food packsSorting the food packs

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Good job mate!!! Thanks for sharing!! Hatts-off. Keep working hard and together we will change the world.
    Posted 22-08-2015 09:52

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW-you were a hero on World Humanitarian day as well. Very well done , Kehkashan. I salute your ceaseless efforts and devotion for such causes.
    Posted 22-08-2015 06:08

  • says :
    Well done.The best way to celebrate the world humanitarian day.Very happy to know that you distributed food packs to the needy.Keep going! Yes I agree all of us must do a little from our side to help the people around us.
    Posted 22-08-2015 00:55

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