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United Nations Inter-governmental Negotiations on Sustainable Development in New York

by | 21-08-2015 18:16 recommendations 0

It was a huge privilege and honour for me , as a 15 year old , to attend the Final Inter-governmental Negotiations on Sustainable Development at the United Nations in New York. This was the final phase of discussions and negotiations after the HLPF to usher in the post2015 era. It began on 20th July and was supposed to end on 31st July however the negotiations went on much beyond the stipulated time frame . The discussions carried on all night on 31st and finished at 5am on 1st Aug . Thereafter we met once again on 2nd August and the final document was adopted with huge support from the Member states amidst standing ovation at 6pm.


I felt as if I was a part of history being made when the post2015 era began with the adoption of the outcome document. It was an enriching experience for me to be seated in the thick of action and be an active part of the discussions all night long. It was so engrossing that we forgot about hunger and sleep and our only intention was to reach consensus on an outcome that would secure a sustainable future for us. It was extremely interesting to observe and learn about the views and positions of each country which at times  was divergent from that of others .

It required an immense amount of patience , diplomacy , intelligence and collaboration to reach consensus on the way forward. This was a one in a lifetime  learning experience . Civil society played a defining role in the discussions and I was happy to be a part of the same in my own little way. The post 2015 outcome document has now been informally adopted by consensus - the formal adoption will take place at the next session of the UN General Assembly in Sep2015.

 These fresh set of seventeen goals will need to be adopted formally with the intent of ushering in a new era which provides for a life of dignity for all. But the query on the lips of every young person like me, who is a part of the so called ?Future Generation?, will be about the efficacy of their impact on the people who need them the most. There needs to be equal, if not higher level of ambition and political will, in defining and mobilising the means for their implementation.

Inside the UNThe MDG time chartDeeply engaging experienceInside the UN General Assembly

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  • says :
    Congratulations! I am very happy so see your interest and involvement in the discussion.Keep it up.
    Posted 22-08-2015 12:06

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a great experience you got mate!! Thanks for sharing it. Keep working. You are doing a sweet job! =)
    Posted 22-08-2015 09:43

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congrats and must have been great priviledge and experience.
    Posted 22-08-2015 06:09

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