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International Youth Day: Spreading the #NOWPH Campaign in CEBU

by Jamaica Layos | 22-08-2015 00:59 recommendations 0

Spreading the #NOWPH CEBU Campaign: International Youth Day

The One Million Voices Campaign spearheaded by Climate Change Commission, National Youth Commission, and USAID. NOWPH Campaign aims to unite the Filipino Youth to pledge to save the Earth. Well, there are three main objectives why the NOWPH Org is doing this campaign (1) Empower the youth in appreciating their roles in making a positive and sustainable impact to our Mother Earth through raising understanding on the causes and effects of climate change, (2) Promote 15 ways to Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) as part of our initiatives in schools and communities. (3) Rally the Filipino youth for the 2015 Paris Climate Conference by gathering at least 1 million signatures and expression of support.

We all know that global warming has been a great issue nowadays. Imagine a world with people who have the willingness to build, develop, and innovate things for a better, wholesome, holistic, and sustainable world. We have different Mission but we have ONE VISION- make a better world for you and me. Yeah, I know that Tunza Eco-Generation ambassadors, members, and all of those who cares to conserve and protect Mother Earth are longing for that to happen not just longing but making an ACTION to spread the awareness on public consciousness and making better ways to lead people on a CLIMATE RESILIENT and CLIMATE SMART LIFESTYLE .

Last August 12, 2015, CIT University Industrial Engineering Department (IED) celebrated International Youth Day through #NOWPH (Not on Our Watch) Campaign. In line with the objectives of the #NOWPH Campaign, we (IED) make a noise (INITIATIVE) to gather at least 50,000 signature of support from CEBUANO people and spreading awareness on their vital role in protecting and conserving Mother Earth by 15 Ways to LEDS.

 Well, we had our soft launching in gathering at least 50,000 signature to pledge to save the earth in our region. As what I have mention in my last article, we called this initiative as SELFIE CARAVAN in support of the #NOWPH Campaign. There is a photo booth called a #NOWPH booth where there will be IE ECO-Warriors (?we called our self as ECO-Warriors?) who will explain the 15 Ways to LEDS. I am just so happy seeing my fellow students and professors who join and sign this cool Selfie Caravan showing their support in conserving Mother Earth. I have a vision that we will have a sustainable and holistic world with pro-active and holistic people. I believe that what we are doing is a great impact to the world in spreading the awareness to make positive change for a greener, sustainable, and holistic society.

I believe that this campaign inspired and ignited many youth to take part of their vital roles in building a sustainable and holistic society. This campaign really inspired and fully helped me understand my importance as YOUTH in spreading my advocacy – Project NOWTBUKS which aims to spread the awareness on the kids in conserving Mother Earth through making ECO-NOTEBOOK.

I hope you are also inspired to make positive impact to your region. Don't forget to LEDS (Low Emission Development Strategies)

1.       Unplug and Switch Off

2.       Walk. Bike or Carpool

3.       Good Bye Plastics. Hello Eco Bags

4.       Bring Your Own Tumbler

5.       Grow a Tree. Plant

6.       Promote Renewable Energy

7.       Segregate


9.       Use Energy Efficient Appliances

10.   Recycle Electronic Batteries

11.   Environmental and Energy Awareness

12.   Use Pail, Dipper and Cups

13.   Think Before You Print

14.   No To Burning of Wastes

15.   Support Earth Products 

I am inviting all youth to take part and  make an initiative to spread the LEDS.



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  • Dormant user Jamaica Layos
  • recommend


  • Jamaica Layos says :
    Thanks also Arushi, Luiz and Harmanjot! Hope you guys share this to your friends:D Spreading the 15 ways to LEDS

    Posted 24-08-2015 00:23

  • Jamaica Layos says :
    Thank you so much Bindu for the appreciating our efforts! #foraBetterWorld
    Posted 23-08-2015 23:51

  • says :
    This is the true celebration of IYD -by pledging to save MOTHER EARTH.Thanks for sharing the 15 strategies as well.
    Posted 22-08-2015 12:19

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Beautiful!!!! Well done Jamaica!!! What a so inspiring photos!! Keep it up =)
    Posted 22-08-2015 09:34

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Great way to celebrate IYD.Thanks for an inspiring report , Jamaica.
    Posted 22-08-2015 06:19

  • says :
    Glad to know the IYD 2015 celebration by eco- warriors at CIT University Industrial Engineering Department (IED). Thank you for sharing dear Jamaica the detailed report along with pictures and 15 ways to LEDS.
    Posted 22-08-2015 02:10

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thanks for sharing and congrats
    Posted 22-08-2015 01:49

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