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Defacement through construction

by | 22-08-2015 01:56 recommendations 0

We have taken many ways to deface our good Earth. not many people have given second thoughts to the need of constructive concrete human colonies. Take a walk into any streets of big cities and there you will see how we have constructed multi-storey buildings. All the upcoming urban centers in India have created large multi-storey colonies. There are houses which hang in space with no dwellers. There are so many types of big constructions that could be seen coming up with immense dead weight on the respiratory system of the earth.

Every brick that we add to the beautiful rampart of the buildings comes at the cost of  loss of soil. Very big excavated land masses are a proof of the soil which is dug out to be taken to the brick kilns. Big German machines dig deep into the Mother Earth to bring out soil for bricks to be used in construction. These artificially created depressed land systems are actually very deep wounds given to the earth. This makes the earth and its atmosphere lose balance in our ecological system. Indiscriminate use of land for making bricks has damaged our ecological system by aiding loss of useful land masses. Let us work for the preservation of land, as it is.

We must stop making high-rise buildings which are a living tale of misuse of our technology and heavy machines. What use the skyscrapers will be if there will be no land to hold its pillars?


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  • says :
    Population is increasing rapidly.Increasing population means clearing land for housing purposes.This increases pressure on land.As mentioned in the report,Earth is dug deep to get soil for bricks which is having a harmful effect.I agree with you,its high time we start working for the preservation of the land.Thanks for reporting.
    Posted 22-08-2015 12:27

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Exactly, ecofriendly bricks is a great strategy to build up a more sustainable buiding. The wood cement also can suit the goal. )
    Posted 22-08-2015 09:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    World population is increasing. 7 billion people need home to live in. To accommodate the growing population , there has been increase in demand of buildings. Due to shortage of land/space , builders tend to build high rise buildings. I have heard of eco friendly bricks. By using eco friendly material and doing sustainable construction , we can make it less detrimental to Mother Earth. Thanks for the report , dear Yagya.
    Posted 22-08-2015 06:23

  • says :
    Especially in the urban, industrialized nations we can see such sky touching buildings. Of course, our land has certin threshold and we can't go beyong the largest utility of the resources we have. Thus, whether it be building or any other things care should be taken about the capacity of the resources.
    Thank you for sharing your views dear Yagya :)
    Posted 22-08-2015 02:40

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