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South Korea UPO wetland's value

by | 22-08-2015 19:08 recommendations 0

     Hello Eco Generation members. This is the Republic of South Korea ambassador.

Ramsar Convention

Do you know what the map above states?

     This is a map which shows the number of wetlands registered in Ramsar Convention. The aim of Ramsar convention is to preserve the wetlands and to use them wisely. It was first adopted in 1971 in Iran, and came into force in 1975. There are over 2000 Ramsar sites worldwide. This number was quite surprising to me because I never thought that much. Well, anyway, more Ramsar sites means more wetlands to be preserved systematically, so it will never be bad.

Ramsar Korea

     Narrowing to Korea, Korea has total 21 Ramsar sites. Korea joined this convention in 1997, becoming the 101st country to enroll in. Our Ramsar wetland includes HAN RIVER-BAMSEOM ISLETS, SUNCHEON BAY, MOOJECHINEUP and so on.

From now on, I will introduce UPO WETLAND, which was designated in 1997.

UPO wetland

     It is the largest native undisturbed wetland in our country and the biodiversity is well protected. UPO is a nesting ground for lots of animals like birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and so on. The fact that diverse aquatic floras like Slaix glandulosa and Eichhornia crassipes exists helps the improvement of the water quality there. Not only flora but also fauna prospers. Anax parthenope Julius, Fulica atra, Carassius auratus, and so on. Those names are quite hard but anyway,,, biodiversity is a big feature of UPO. :) It leads to the water purification since the plants help UPO maintain its clear water.

     Another big feature is the UPO is floodplain wetland, which means that big river is near it. Therefore, it is largely influenced by the river. In case of UPO wetland,  Nakdong River influences a lot. Because there is river beside, in rainy seasons, the water level of the wetland highly increases. However, thanks to UPO wetland, the mud there absorbs and contains water. The stored water can be later used for various purposes.

     UPO wetland has both economic and ecological value. To see those beautiful and well-protected wetland, UPO, many people are visiting. UPO provides relaxation place for many people.


Firefly festivalGiant Willow Forest

<Firefly Festival and Giant Willow forest in UPO>

     To conclude, I believe that wetlands like UPO wetland should be preserved in better status since the value of wetland is huge. I think it can be the major key for slowing down global warming as well. Thanks for reading.



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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Nowadays conservation of wetlands is emerging issue. This is the habitat of many microorganism and animals including birds. Great diversity can seen in Ramsar Area. In Nepal there are many wetlands, waiting for conservation . Some wetlands are use as landfill site, disposal of waste. The great biodiversity site is just becoming dumping site.
    Thank you for sharing this article . The various weather in the picture showing is attractive.
    Posted 24-08-2015 21:41

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing with us your knowledge about Ramsar convention and sites. I had heard this term but din't know what exactly it it. Glad to get introduced to such environmentally , ecologically and economically useful wetland "UPO". Because of their significance, wetlands like these should be indeed preserved at any cost.
    Posted 23-08-2015 04:46

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing about Ramsar sites.Wetlands are facing threat and they need to be preserved.Thank you so much for such an informative report.
    Posted 23-08-2015 01:46

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Great article. I enjoyied reading!! Thanks a lot Chae!! =D
    Posted 22-08-2015 23:31

  • says :
    Beautifully written..Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 22-08-2015 20:46

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