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Let's Plant Butterflies

by | 22-08-2015 17:07 recommendations 0

       Do you notice butterflies around you? And what is your view regarding them? Are they more than colorful hairy creatures to you? Yes, tiny yet major role do they play. Butterfly is one of the most important part of the Eco-system. It has many intrinsic, aesthetic, educational, scientific, Eco-system, health and economic value. I have also posted earlier about their introduction and importance's in my previous article (https://tunza.eco-generation.org/ambassadorReportView.jsp?viewID=11708&searchType=title&searchName=butterfly&pageNumber=1).  Its significance is highlighted by its vital role in pollination, tourism, healthy environment, indication of climate change, role in beautifying the environment and many more.
     In this report I would like to share some photographs (captured by me) of different species of butterflies found around my University. Along with that I would like to request you all to help in their conservation. These small creatures are rarely cared about and are also facing various problems regarding their habitat loss due to use of insecticides and pesticides, fire, pollution, deforestation etc.But we can always help these tiny creatures around us by applying these simple measures:-

1. Plant flowers around your home. They not only make your surrounding beautiful but attract pretty butterflies and help in their survival too.
2. Avoid using insecticides and pesticides.
3. Conserve water sources.
4. Avoid forest fire.
5. Don?t harm them. Let their beauty enchant others too!
   These simple measures aren?t only favorable for butterflies but more advantageous to us and the environment. So won't you Eco-warriors apply it?
#IAmWithTheButterflies. J






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  • says :
    The beauty lies within the sight of the person. Let's have a good sight to all. preserve the nature preserve the beauty that lies within u and of course those little butterflies would seems really amazing to u.
    Posted 23-08-2015 14:39

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I love butterflies too. They are colourful by their looks and they add colour to our lives by playing such vital roles in the entire ecosystem. Thanks for sharing, Alina.
    Posted 23-08-2015 04:41

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I loved the term "Planting Butterflies"!!! So sweet! =) Cool report as well. Thanks so much Alina!

    Posted 22-08-2015 23:29

  • says :
    very impressive :) the photos are wonderful.. I am with butterflies too :)
    Posted 22-08-2015 18:51

  • says :
    Beautiful pictures captured.Well done! Amazed to know that these little creatures play a huge role in our environment.Saddened to hear that they are under threat due to deforestation,pollution,etc.But I am sure by following the tips you mentioned in your report,we surely can conserve this beauty of nature.Thanks for the report.
    Posted 22-08-2015 18:45

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