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Geothermal Energy in Japan

by | 23-08-2015 21:13 recommendations 0

Geothermal is one of the alternative energy which is using heat from the Earth. Heat is can be stored inside of the Earth in the hot water form or hot gas so it can turn a turbine by its steam. Geothermal energy is also become one of the best potency to make an energy since it requires minimal land and fresh water. It only needs 3.5 square kilometers per gigawatt of electrical production. Usually, geothermal is identical with the volcanic activities. In places with high number of volcanoes, the geothermal energy is also may be high as well.

One of the countries which has many volcanoes in the World is Japan. Within Japan narrow territory, it has 119 active volcanoes. Japan also has abundant potency of geothermal energy because the installed geothermal plants in Japan is still lack comparing to available geothermal that still unused yet. If you want to know how geothermal power plant works, you can check video in this link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLPQITLuiv5FxpL57N3Ah-lYvy7uLPzsZT&v=mCRDf7QxjDk

Currently, in Japan there are some geothermal power plants which are located in Mori, Ohnuma, Matsukawa, Kakkonda, Uenotai, Onikoube, Yazaizu-Nishiyama, Suginoi, Ohtake, Hacchobaru, Oguni, Khirishima Kokusai, Ohgiri, and Yamagawa. Those power plant are producing 5 percent of the total power plant energy production in the World. And it will be increased step by step.

After accident in the Fukushima Nuclear power plant, Japan try to optimalize their geothermal energy. They convert spa resort into geothermal power plant and this power plant will not make the water quality get worse, so the hot water still ban be used in the Japanese spa resort. While the recovery of Fukushima is under way,  the profit from those geothermal power plant will be used to repair some facilities which got damaged because of the earthquake. Slowly, but sure, Japan try to optimalize their natural potency to establish new alternative energy. Hope it can contribute for better environment in the global future. 


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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I believe that the energy of the Earth core is the most powerful. Thanks for sharing that Japan is investing on that. Keep it up! =)
    Posted 24-08-2015 11:05

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's good to know that Japan is using it's natural potential to generate geothermal energy and profit from it is being planned to be used to repair the facilities damaged by previous earthquake. Thanks for sharing , Mukhlish.
    Posted 24-08-2015 03:34

  • says :
    jiaahhh,, kamu ikutan ini juga to,, wkwkwk..
    Posted 23-08-2015 23:08

  • says :
    Konnichiwa suhu meaningful article :)
    Posted 23-08-2015 22:46

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