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by | 23-08-2015 21:30 recommendations 0

Climatology is the study of ?average weather?. Climatology (from Greek, Klima-region, zone and logia) is the study of climate, scientifically defined as weather.

Climate: The climate is a long term average condition of the meteorological variable in a particular region. (The average is not less than thirty years)

i.      Micro-climate: It is the climate condition surrounding the individual.

ii.    Macro-climate: The macro climate implies the general large scale climatic condition of open atmosphere in a large area.

iii.  Weather: It is the short term day to day variation of meteorological variables. Sometimes climate is used as synonymous to weather and this point must be very clear to avoid confusion.

Classification of climate:

It is very difficult to classify climate since it must be classified in a framework like:

i.      Human comfort,

ii.    Natural distribution of plants,

iii.  Agricultural Production capacity,

iv.  Productivity of livestock,

In addition climate feature of a particular region is mainly dependent on:

i.      It?s latitude

ii.    Altitude

iii.  Position in relation to sea cost

iv.  Mountain range and other topographical features,

A good or bad climate is purpose oriented term. In order to describe vegetative growth the climate has also been partitioned into.

i.      Hot dry,

ii.    Hot rainy,

iii.  Dry desert,

iv.  Humid,

v.    Medium humid,

vi.  Low humid,

vii.                        Polar adaptation of animal,

The environment is known to influence the body functions of the organisms. Thus a number of techniques have been applied to study the different elements of environment and their impact on different body functions and physiological response.


Environmental Parameters:

A. Temperature:

Thermometer is the most convenient and economic instrument of measurement of temperatures. Mercury or alcohol is used as marker inside the glass tube properly scaled. The temperature is recorded both in degree Celsius and in Fahrenheit. Scales in case of alcohol thermometer normally, blue alcohol, is used for outdoor and red alcohol is used for indoor thermometer in the experimental site.

Micro-thermograph: This instrument provides an accurate and perfect resolution in potentiometric recording system. The sensitive coiled bimetal (Copper and Constantan) strip responds to a very small change in temperature. The constantan is an alloy of copper and nickel. The responses are instantaneously magnified and transformed to a recording system through a mechanical linkage. An opening is provided in the system follows unobstructed flow of air to the smear. A clock drum is provided with hour of rotation system by


B.   Humidity: The water vapor in the air is called humidity. Humidity controls rate of evaporation of water from the skin surface and other moist tissues. The rate of air movement and degree of saturation of ambient air governs the rate of evaporation.

Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air as compared to the amount that air could contain at the same temperature. It is usually expressed in percentage. Thus 100% relative humidity is the upper limit of the moisture holding capacity of air.

Sling psychrometer: In this instrument two thermometers are clamped in a frame and set is attached to a swirling handle. A wetted wick covers the tip of one thermometer and another remaining bare, when the set is rapidly whirled water evaporates from the wick and cooling of thermometer bulb takes place whereas in second thermometer actual atmospheric temperature is recorded whirling in rapid succession cuts down radiation heat from the sun. The relative humidity is recorded after consulting a nomogram specially designed for this.

C.   Wind speed and direction:

i.      Micro response arid vane and

ii.    Micro response anemometer with three cups is highly sensitive and is capable of measuring wind speed as far as 0.5 mph. the instrument is mounted on the vertical axis.

Different types of recorders are available for recording wind speed and direction side by side.

D.  Solar radiation: Radiation exchange between an animal body and environment is very complex and therefore needs a precise technique for measurement. The instrument used to measure global solar radiation both direct and diffuse are different types of pyrometers having multi-junction copper and constantan thermocouple.

Net radiation: The net radiation is the measured with the help of radiometer. It can be used to measure net gain of heat by the animal.

Direct solar radiation: The direct solar radiation is measured with the help of pyroheliometer. The solar and sky ultraviolet radiation can be measured with ultraviolet radiometer.

E.   Precipitation total rain fall: Tripping bucket rain gauge along with event recorder provides information about total rainfall. Different types of event recorders are available to record rainfall for a variable period.

F.   Atmospheric pressure: the weight of the atmosphere on the earth surface exerts a considerable force. The pressure e.g. force per unit area varies due to variety of reasons like

i.      Altitude,

ii.    Temperature of the air, and

iii.  Many other meteorological phenomenons.

Changes in the ambient pressure bring about the change in the density of the air in the form of number of molecules per unit volume of constituent gases. It is necessary to correct actual pressure to some international standard pressure which is equivalent to the pressure exerted by a column of mercury 760mm high corresponding to the mean atmospheric pressure at the sea level.

G.  Light measurement: The eyes of animal are very sensitive to the narrow band of wave length in the electromagnetic spectrum. The light energy causes heating effect but depends upon the type of wave length, duration and uniformity. Photo period-ism is very much dependent on wave length from 5600-7000 ?  area as photosynthesis is maximum at 4350-6750? . The animal behavior, parturition and reproduction are very much influenced by daily solar cycle.


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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Climatology is one of the best ways to understand our mother Earth behavior. Thanks for sharing that Aksana! Keep it up! =D
    Posted 24-08-2015 11:07

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for an informative report. Climatology must be really interesting to study.
    Posted 24-08-2015 03:36

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