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|BRAZIL| Green Wave in Brazil

by Luiz Bispo | 24-08-2015 01:24 recommendations 0

In Brazil, there is boom called "Hallyu", which has another name, "Korean Wave". A large number of Brazilian including me love Korea and for sure, I'm happy to be involved into Tunza Eco-Generation as eco-ambassador. Recently there is another "wave" in Brazil this is "Green Wave"

What is "Green Wave"?

It is difficult to avoid that the nature is degraded due to the consequences of consumerism system during industrial revolution.  As polluting the planet becomes a big problem so that people need to change. Government as well as companies cooperate together and start to make "green choice"


Brazilian consumers started to purchase the products from "green company" rather than buying other companies which care just their own profits. To maintain those consumers, companies have come out of green ideas as well as sustainable projects such as recycling.


There are a couple of trend following green waves,

The project "Go to fairs" aims people to buy products in fairs not in supermarkets. The idea is that people encourage going the fairs instead of the supermarkets which consume a huge amount of electricity, water and packages.


Another project called "Bike Boys", which idea is about replacing motorcycles with bikes for delivery service.  Two companies in Sao Paulo in Brazil have already started to work with idea to reduce time, costs and pollution.


There is a late trend that Brazil has accepted recently, which idea is a ban on providing plastic bag for customers. Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro has practiced this project and thus join to protect the environment from the product which takes long time to decompose itself. The government also had invested to campaign in order to raise awareness of necessity in reduction of plastic bags.


The environment awareness and sustainable support become necessary not only in Brazil but in this earth. I hope the big boom of green wave continue across the world like Korean wave.


Source : The Brazil Business 


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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
  • recommend


  • says :
    Amazing wave by the Brazilians .Hope this Green Wave helps to promote the eco friendly consumption patterns .
    Posted 24-08-2015 23:36

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the comment Arushi. It is always great to share with you! =D Lets keep working hard!
    Posted 24-08-2015 11:29

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I am happy to know the Green wave trends in Brazil. Thanks for updating us with every environment happening from Brazil.
    Posted 24-08-2015 03:52

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