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Ecodupark for Children

by | 24-08-2015 01:24 recommendations 0

Entering the sixth semester, students who are already qualified Diponegoro University Semester Credit System (SKS) are allowed to take on Real Working Lecture (KKN) to the society. Various programs of work which includes monodiscipline  and multidisciplinary work programs was designed in accordance with what is required by the public in the area where the student service learning is placed.
A multidisciplinary program organized by KKN Diponegoro University Team 2015 in the village of Sidorekso, District Kaliwungu, Kudus Regency is Ecodupark work program. The program is based Environmental Park Read aimed at children in the village Sidorekso. The team includes students from different majors, namely Irfan Ramdhany & Lea Prastika (Public Administration), Kunti Nuron Nabila (Business Administration), Klaudia Molasiarani (Communication Studies), Mizanul Haq (Electrical Engineering), Ratna Suminar & Ilmi titis (Fisheries), and Nurul Maulida & Heri Kiswanto (Marine Science).
With the department / study different, the students are expected to unify thinking based on scientific field to form multidisciplinary work program. Until finally, forming a multidisciplinary KKN Diponegoro University Team 2015 in the village of Sidorekso, the work program Ecodupark.
Sidorekso village coordinator, Irfan Ramdhany says, children need new learning environment outside the classroom, so that Ecodupark concept was created in the village which is located in the Village Hall Sidorekso. "Because these children just learning in the classroom, so they need a new atmosphere outside the classroom. Hopefully, the children in the village Sidorekso can broaden general knowledge about environmental care, and increase their soft skills on the seven pillars of the material provided by the KKN Diponegoro University Team 2015 children Sidorekso village, "he said.
For one week, Ecodupark organized, ranging from the collection of books by the Holy society in Car Free Day event, Sunday (2/8) in the Square of the Holy until the ongoing series of activities on Monday-Saturday (3-8 / 8) every afternoon in Sidorekso Village Hall. A series of activities includes seven pillars, namely the Public Speaking training, Educational Games, Anti-Smoking, Hand Craft, Balanced Nutrition, Environmental Education, and Behavior Clean and Healthy. All pillars are packaged in a series of events with different concepts, such as games, watch videos, coloring, talking in front of friends, singing, to the practices.

Intagram : @kknsidorekso2015
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  • says :
    welcome harmanjot )
    Posted 26-08-2015 16:33

  • says :
    Ecodupark seems to be a great way to engage children in interesting activities. This will develop their skills. Thanks for sharing this report.
    Posted 26-08-2015 12:17

  • says :
    i agree with you sadhya :). thanks for e comment :)
    Posted 25-08-2015 12:12

  • says :
    informal education also gives the best output as the childrens are provived with freeedom and are entertained as well..grt wrok..keep sharing :)
    Posted 25-08-2015 09:12

  • says :
    thank you luiz and arushi for the great comments :)
    Posted 24-08-2015 12:37

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Beautiful!!! Education out of class is a great way to aware children!!! Thanks for sharing mate! Keep it up! =D
    Posted 24-08-2015 11:31

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I like this " Ecodupark " concept . It's a nice way to educate children about important values outside the classroom in a very fun filled way. Thanks for sharing, Irfan.
    Posted 24-08-2015 03:55

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