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Celebration International Youths Day

by | 24-08-2015 14:35 recommendations 0

?Youth Civic Engagement? was  this year's main theme for International Youth Day held every year at 12th August. Despite all this focus on increment of youths into various sectors, we often observe youths being sidelined in most of pivotal task and their views being regarded as immature.In fact people at the helm of power have failed to envisaged what youths really want and what needs to be done to them. But the the positive side, even at small percent, we are seeing positive changes at youths movement.

To consecrate the day, Nepalese Friendship Society in collaboration with Leo Club of Chitwan InnovativeThe Eco Minions(TEM), World Youth Foundation, JCYCN and other youths organisation conducted youth interaction program on topic 'Youth engagement and Development' at Narayani Public Higher Secondary School, Bharatpur, Nepal.

The whole program was conducted on the chairmanship of President of Nepalese Friendship Society Birendra Poudel. We had first introduction section followed by interactive section. In the interactive section we gave some time to all the participants to brain storm about the topics we have had for the discussion. The major topics where we focused were:
Peace and Development

The program was fruitful, youths from various colleges expressed their views regarding necessity of development of scientific arena, continuous and regular conduction of such interactive program at different level. Some youth expressed their concern about deteriorating environmental condition of the country and world as a whole and urged representative to take role model from other clean cities. Brain drain situation of Nepal, unequal opportunities at education sector and lackadaisical behavior from the government side in the overall development of sports sector were other major topics where our interaction was focused on. 

In the program, we had the participation of  ?If we wont who will? movement secretary Anil Dhakal who excellently described how their campaign of educating girls suffering from acute poverty got success. In fact ?If we wont who will?  is very successful campaign going around at Chitwan and is spreading rampantly. 

Utilizing the platform, Treasurer of District Sports Committee Keshab Acharya also vowed to uplift the condition of sports of the district.

Extracting points from discussion and jotting them down in my note, we were able to draft a resolution paper as well. 

I was surprised to see the vision of such young students regarding future of youths and nation. No wonder Narayani Public Higher Secondary school is active at its environmental activities as well. 

On the same platform, I utilized the moment to share about out Tunza Eco Generation as well. I distributed pens and flyers to the student and urged them to join the amazing platform for eco-minded youths like them.

Rahul Acharya

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  • says :
    Inspiration all gained from youBikal bro. And thanks Harmanjot for going through the report
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:19

  • says :
    For sure Dharmendra :D
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:15

  • says :
    Hehe thanks a lot eco generation for going through report and putting valuable comment
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:15

  • says :
    Thank you Arushi and Luiz for going through the report.
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:12

  • says :
    A very interactive program for the youth on Youth day.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 26-08-2015 12:11

  • says :
    You are going awesome (Y)
    Posted 25-08-2015 15:01

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Wow! You had a wonderful Youth day :) Thanks for sharing :D
    Posted 25-08-2015 13:21

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Happy belated Youth Day! :) It's good to know that you had a wonderful Youth Day!
    Posted 25-08-2015 10:21

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Great celebartion Rahul and the event seems amazing!!! Thanks for sharing! Keep it up =)
    Posted 25-08-2015 00:32

  • Arushi Madan says :
    That was a great way to celebrate IYD . Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
    Posted 24-08-2015 18:17

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