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Resolution Paper: Interaction program on Youth engagement and development

by | 24-08-2015 15:07 recommendations 0

In this report i would like t share the resolution paper we had prepared after our program  Interaction Program on Youth Engagement and Development
Title: Interaction program on Youth engagement and development 

Date: Aug 12, 2015

Venue: Narayani Public Higher Secondary School, Bharatpur-11, Chitwan, Nepal

No. Of participants: 40 youth activist.

Coordinated Organization:
Nepal Friendship Society (www.nfs.org.np)

World Youth Foundation, JCYC Nepal, Ministry of Youth and Sports of Nepal

Organizers :
Echo Change Nepal
Leo Club of Chitwan Innovative
The Eco Minions(TEM)
Raise Hands Nepal
Clean Up Nepal Chitwan
Club of Environment Science Saptagandaki (CESS)
Who Does If We Wont?s

Introduction ::

International Youth Day occurs annually on Aug 12. The propose of engaging youth in their local, national and international level. In 1999, the UN general Assembly passing a resolution declaration on Aug 12 as International Youth Day.
We as a youth organized the interaction program on how to engage Nepalese Youth in different development sectors. We sought for an opportunity and challenges youth are facing in those concerned sectors.

Challenges of Nepalese Youth:
1. Youth Migration
2. Unemployment
3. Government Laws regulation and planning
4. Political Instability
5. Lack of opportunity

Opportunities for Nepalese Youth:
1. Youth involvement in Agriculture
2. Volunteer for different organization 
3. Engage in different social media or forum
4. Use ICTs for upliftment of social status

Youth engaged sectors in Nepal:
1. Environment and its conservation 
2. Sports
3. Peace and development
4. Entrepreneurship
5. Health Service
6. Journalism


Everyday youth are engaging in different sectors of society like economics, politics and for betterment of society. Yes youth are powerhouse of any nation for Change. Youth can change their range of engagement if they get opportunities to showcase their leadership.

According to National Youth Policy, no. of youth in Nepal are 38.8 %. It shows youth are major for changes of community and Nation. So today we focused on Youth related projects, which are bringing positive impacts for recently disaster-affected country, Nepal.

The program was successful and every youth from different sectors of development focused mainly on youth empowerment. We found out different sectors where youth can engage and also tried out to solve these challenges youth are facing in these concerned sectors.

Rahul Acharya

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  • says :
    Thanks Luiz and Harmanjot for going through the report
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:51

  • says :
    No worries Bindu di. I am sure you must had great time at Tgg
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:24

  • says :
    Thank you Parbati for understanding our theme and motive
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:23

  • says :
    I double agree with you Arushi. Unleashing the power of youth is most is we want to sheer the development process
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:15

  • says :
    A very good interactive program to engage the youth on IYD.Youth are an important part of every country and they can achieve anything. The only need the right opportunity. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 25-08-2015 16:44

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I am happy to know the way that youth participated in the "International Youth Day" Thanks so much for sharing! Keep it up! =D
    Posted 25-08-2015 00:49

  • says :
    So sorry that I couldn't attend this interaction program on IYD 2015 but so glad to know the details about the program.
    These sorts of interactions really builds a strong network among like minded youths and increases the positives vibes.
    Thank you for this detailed report dear Rahul brother :)
    Posted 25-08-2015 00:40

  • says :
    Youths have the zeal to perform the work . They should be motivated in these kinds of things because its helps in their capacity building as well as their concern on the current issues.This is really praiseworthy and thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 24-08-2015 22:23

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I appreciate this youth interaction program on their engagement and development on such an apt day "International Youth Day". I agree that youth are the powerhouse of any nation and they can be the real change makers if they are given proper opportunity and platform to show their leadership and potential.Thanks for sharing , Rahul.
    Posted 24-08-2015 18:26

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