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|BRAZIL| I Joined Biodiversity Project, "Petrobras"!

by Luiz Bispo | 25-08-2015 02:09 recommendations 0

The biodiversity project was launched in 2006 by the Brazilian petroleum company named Petrobras. It aims to figure out the development and behavior of native species of plants in reforestation sites.


Petrobras company raised the project idea in order to best cooperate with positive environmental impacts and to get carbon credits since the firm release a lot of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


The experiment started to be developed in two sites which are from University of São Paulo. They are the Experimental Forestry Station of Itatinga and Experimental Forestry Station of Anhembi.


Before the setting up of the project, the site was completely used for livestock and so with the weed Brachiaria decubens. Therefore, one of the project challenges was to analyze the plant development under a compacted soil and with lack of nutrients.


About 120 plants (trees) were been observed and been measured with specific equipments and devices in order to know how much greenhouse gas the plants are absorbing and helping out with the succession natural species behavior in a ecosystem.


Fortunately, I had the opportunity to join the experiment and to cooperate with the project. In the University of São Paulo, there is a student group called "Forest Group Monte Olimpo"


For about two years I was a member of the group. The group is in partnership with the biodiversity project of Petrobras. So, every year, some students and members of the group are selected to join the mission to measure trunk diameter, tree height and inflorescence.


I really loved to join the project due to the fact that I could learn a lot and I got the chance to be part of the construction of a better environment and so better planet.  In addition, I could have a solid friendship with a few colleagues which shared the same vision as me. 



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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
  • recommend


  • says :
    Congratulations Liuz! That's a great opportunity to join an impressive project.
    Keep at it!
    Posted 25-08-2015 13:43

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Harmanjot, thanks for the comment. My enthusiasm will be kept! =D
    Posted 25-08-2015 11:10

  • says :
    Congratulations on getting an excellent opportunity! Keep up the enthusiasm. I am glad to see petrobras taking such initiatives.It will indeed help the environment. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 25-08-2015 11:06

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Eco Generation!!! Thanks for the comment!!! It is very nice to have the chance to share Brazilian projects towards environment!!! =D
    Posted 25-08-2015 10:54

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Great CSR project of Petrobras indeed! As Eco-generation is Samsung Engineering's CSR initiative, we do hope Petrobras also can have wider range of environmental initiatives as their CSR efforts! :D I do believe they already have though. :") Thanks for sharing and congrats Luiz on the great chance to join the project.
    Posted 25-08-2015 10:26

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Sandhya, that is true. Thanks for the comment! =D
    Posted 25-08-2015 09:42

  • says :
    like petrobas if only all others who r contributing even a small portion to the pollution realize themselves and find out the alternatives..... world would be a beautiful place to live :)
    Posted 25-08-2015 09:37

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks a lot Kshitiz! =D
    Posted 25-08-2015 09:19

  • says :
    congrats luiz
    Posted 25-08-2015 08:51

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Arushi, thanks for the comment. Indeed, the company took a great action! =)
    Posted 25-08-2015 07:42

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW , Congrats for getting another amazing opportunity. You are learning and experiencing so much Luiz. It's really good that Petrobras realised that they release lot of CO2 into atmosphere so they need to do something to compensate so to get carbon credits they launched this biodiversity project. Great initiative.Thanks for sharing , Luiz.
    Posted 25-08-2015 04:20

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