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|BRAZIL| Brazilian Pepper Tree

by Luiz Bispo | 25-08-2015 12:57 recommendations 0

Globalization is hot issue and most influential word in this era. We can approach any updated new across the world at the same time as happening. If I want to eat Mc Donalds, we don't need to go U.S.A to purchase it but find them around my home instead. Some of ambassadors in Tunza- Eco generation from all of the world can also visit  Korea as being on the half of their countries with developed transportation

However, those phenomenon is not limited to human life but to environment. Globalization enables alien species to enter to not native area. Those are called "Invasive Species". If invasive species win competition with native ones successfully, ecosystem will be harmful by introduced ones.

Many countries have problems with invasive alien species. In particular, Brazilian pepper tree, which is from originally native to Brazil become one of the most serious invasive plants in Florida after imported over 50 years ago.

There are a few environmental problem caused by Brazilian Pepper trees,

- These trees are difficult to remove.

-The fruit seeds of trees are easy to be spread by birds and mammals

- This plants also invade not only aquatic but also terrestrial environments  

To solve this problems, Biologists find the biological weapon insect  called  Calophya Latiforcep . This new species were found in Brazil and discovered that they attacked Brazilian trees in 2010. Therefore, researchers expected them to be introduced in Florida.      

Source : Convention on Biological Diversity / Journal of Florida Studies




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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • Arushi Madan says :
    Biological control of invasive species using co-evolved natural enemies is the best, most sustainable and cost-effective solution to Invasive Alien Species . Thanks for the report , Luiz.
    Posted 25-08-2015 21:06

  • says :
    Thanks for telling us about the invasive species Brazilian pepper tree along with descriptive pictures.
    Posted 25-08-2015 15:55

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