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Spreading The Word

by | 28-08-2015 04:14 recommendations 0

               As I was thinking of what I can write as an article I realized that I have forgotten to mention two occasions that included me informing my classmates or the whole high school about certain events. In these occasions I relayed my experience to others and tried to encourage them into taking part in these actions as well.


               The first one happened almost two years ago. As I, with one of my friends and biology teacher, have mentioned in one of my late articles, I have been to UNEP TUNZA Conference 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. In there I had the opportunity to attend lots of workshops and learn a bunch of projects that people all around the world was doing back in their hometown. After the conference we came back to Turkey and prepared a presentation about the new projects, workshops and seminars. For example, we learned about the P2D2 project that I have already written an article about. Also, one project that I remember is that the government of a country which I do not remember exactly pays its citizens an amount of money in exchange for recyclable items such as plastic bottles. We also explained what TUNZA, by the way TUNZA is a word in Kiswahili (the common language of most East African countries) that means ?treat with care?, was about and what it tried to accomplish. TUNZA is like a mini UNEP for children and the youth where they can learn how to take care of the planet and share their ideas. In fact this Eco-Generation platform is a part of TUNZA program itself.(?) During our presentation to the whole high school, we tried to encourage them to take part in events that are related to environmental issues and TUNZA. I believe we reached not everyone but some people indeed.


               The second one actually happened last Thursday. Since my friends and I are in the last year of my high school life, our school opened in August 10th since we need to prepare for the upcoming university exams. SO, I took advantage of this early opening of our school and handed out the flyers about Eco-Generation platform while also giving information about what this platform is and what are its goals. Since after the end of this six month period of being an ambassador of Turkey, I will not be able to spend much time in this platform due to my intense studying for going to university. As such, I decided to hand the torch to other people and keep on informing others about Eco-Generation even after the school actually opens in September.


               Consequently, I have already informed the last year students of my high school about TUNZA and its doings and will keep on informing others about what Eco- Generation is about and its doings.

a friend of mine and I

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  • Arushi Madan says :
    Glad to know that you promoted Tunza Eco Gen. All the best for your studies.
    Posted 29-08-2015 03:19

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