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|BRAZIL| Sustainable urban initiative in Brazil

by Luiz Bispo | 28-08-2015 05:18 recommendations 0

More people have moved into the city, Sao Paulo to look for jobs and find the better opportunities. In fact, a couple of main cities in Sao Paulo states are congested with heavy traffic, buildings and people from different areas. It is very challengeable to balance between environment and socio-economy, which might influence residents as well as business.


As I uploaded before, the city of Curitiba is recognized as one of the eco-friendly city in the world with implementing the innovative system, which have inspiring other cities in Brazil. Brazil has the fourth largest urban population following China, India and the U.S.A. so that it is necessary to apply proper sustainable urban planning to these urban areas.


The idea of the sustainable urban planning is to protect density and green areas.


Environment benefit – the transport and buildings will be coordinated to reduce CO2 emission , which result in lowering urban air pollution.

Economic benefit – since beginning, resource' efficiency will be considered like Curitiba. The fuel usage in Brazil's other major cities is 30% higher than the city, Curitiba.


Policy and city planning for ecological infrastructure,

Vulnerable area for food change to the park planted with many trees is good strategy. Curitiba is good example of handling food problems well by conducting those plans.


Policy and city planning for industrial activity,

The Curitiba Industrial City (CIC) has strict environmental regulations and they are not allowed for industries to pollute environment. In addition to that, promoting waste management infrastructure and raising public awareness also show how smart urban planning can avoid a large amount of cost in the future.


Source : UNEP




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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • Arushi Madan says :
    I agree with you that Smart urban planning or sustainable development can boost economy , protect environment , improve the quality and length of residents lives and give beauty to the city. Thanks for sharing, Luiz.
    Posted 29-08-2015 03:22

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Fahad, You are totally right. Policies and youth involvement have the power. Thanks for the comment. =)
    Posted 28-08-2015 12:28

  • says :
    Especially with good policy and youth involvement
    Posted 28-08-2015 05:56

  • says :
    sustainable city planning is much needed!
    Posted 28-08-2015 05:56

  • says :
    great work
    Posted 28-08-2015 05:56

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