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Bike for mom

by | 28-08-2015 22:59 recommendations 0

This paragraph is about the biggest cycling events in Thailand...or I might say...the world!
With participants all over Thailand, the biggest cycling event took place to show respect for Queen Sirikit of Thailand on the mother day occasion (12 August)! Another objective for the event was to encourage the use of bikes all over Thailand.The numbers of the participants was the highest in the world and set out new record at 146,290 people. I will be writing about the objectives of the events to show you how it is related to green living.

To encourage people to use bikes for transportation: It's not very common nowadays for people to bike to work. The "Bike For Mom" event has shown them it's possible! The event has no regulation except for the participants to bring safety helmet. The bikes of any brands, old or new can be used. According to the news, the cyclist shared their opinions to the people watching the news. They encouraged people to bike to work because the benefits result both individually and publicly. Individually, biking can keep people healthy. The activity increases cardiovascular fitness, decreases stress levels, prevents disease, and keep you in shape. 
As for publicly, cycling can decrease the use of fossil fuels in cars. (Fossil fuels is lacking in the status quo. We are reaching the peak rate of oil production. Fossil fuels like coals, oil and natural gas are running out due to the high demands among people.) Biking to work can decrease the use of fossil fuels and therefore give us sustainable energy resource. The main advantage of biking to work is the decrease of pollution. The incomplete process of burning fossil fuels can give out carbonmonoxide that can harm both our health and the environment. As for the environment, carbonmonoxide pollute the air and destroy ozone layer, provoking the global warming crisis. Imagine if the majority of people stop using cars and use bike instead? We can decrease large amount of greenhouse gas if everyone start living their lives in the greener way! 

In the event, several of roads were close to open the routes for bikers. The impacts I saw that day were, firstly, people planned to avoid the use of cars in the day. Secondly, people gathered outside along the bike routes to cheer on the bikers to reach the destination of 43 kilometers route. Many celebrity and important political figures from different parties joined int he biking. Even prince Vajiralongkorn of Thailand had participated as the leader of the bikers in Bangkok. 

Such harmony and gatherings to do the right things is a very impressive picture for the Queen. I hope that this will encourage more people in to bike to work. If we think green and act green, together, we can lead to the brighter future! The activity is eco freindly and doesn't require any expensive gadgets. Only a bike and your motivation, you are good to go. Don't let this campaign fade away. Let's continue changing little things in our life for better future.

Bike for mom

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  • says :
    This is great.This is a very sustainable way to celebrate Mother's Day.Cycling is good for health.Moreover,it reduces pollution to a large extent.This is a great way to encourage cycling.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 30-08-2015 19:51

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    That is very cool Swasamon. I have helped out the Mother's Day of Sydney. But, that was a marathon! Biking and running are great ways to encourage people to keep a sustainable lifestyle for environment and for themselves. =) Thanks for the report! Keep it up.
    Posted 30-08-2015 07:57

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What a way to commemorate and celebrate Mother's Day. 'Bike for Mom' is such a cute title. Biking is not only good for health but also for pocket and environment.Thanks for sharing , Swasamon.
    Posted 29-08-2015 03:36

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