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Cancer in Air

by | 29-08-2015 02:25 recommendations 0

Who doesn't know about Cancer !! 
The disease , which killed millions of people in last decades. 
lets have some idea on cancer and the way how does it spreads. Cancer is the group of disease which starts for uncontrolled cell division , caused by the genetic change. Some factors can change your gene to product new cells. These are radiation, chemicals like asbestos, radon, azo dyes, and the UV light the most important and concerned reason. Some drugs like immunosuppressants can create the cancer also. But to day is the concern is the air. Which contains a lots of carcinogens that can be the reason of  lung cancer. 
A quote, 
?Air pollution levels in most US cities used to be much higher than they are now, but scientific research and effective policies to reduce pollution levels have made the air safer and continue to be important to protect public health. High levels of air pollution in other parts of the world may present more significant health hazards." (Simon, WHO)
Some chemicals, like arsenic, benzene, beryllium, asbestos, vinyl chloride are known human carcinogens. 
Now come to the gas, CO ( carbon monoxide) also a cause of cancer that can create a lung cancer as well. 
But the most important one is the radon. Which were emphasized in various articles as the main reason of cancer. 
So what can we do? Can we clean the air by using air fresheners or just doing tree plantation. Yes this can be the best idea. but before that we have some responsibilities like raising awareness. See a simple issue, smoking in public area can make the non-smokers to passive smokers. This can lead a man to cancer if he has a sensitive lung or other lung diseases. 


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  • says :
    Thanks for telling us about various carcinogens.Our air is polluted to the extent that it can cause diseases.We must plant trees to purify it.Thanks for reporting.
    Posted 30-08-2015 19:55

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report mate. The ones who created the cancer were us. Now we need to fix it! We can do it! Keep it up. =)
    Posted 30-08-2015 07:48

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for highlighting the serious issue of 'air pollution' from a new perspective. Indeed , cancer is in air and we all must adopt eco friendly life style , plant trees , stop smoking to reduce carbon emissions to save ourselves from this cancer.
    Posted 29-08-2015 03:39

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