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Fossil Free Public Transport

by | 06-09-2015 12:38 recommendations 0

Greetings Eco Generations

I would like to share refreshing news that has boosted up ?Go Green? concept of Chitwan. It has been almost more than months since we are having this ?Danfe? moving around at roads of Bharatpur City.

?Danfe? ,which is actually a local name for newly adopted public transport means, looks like medevial-horse-cart except that ?horse? has been replaced by Engine. And most breathtakingly it runs on electricity. I repeat. Its totally fossil free and runs on electricity. It is 6 seated

Its such a great to see people embracing ?Danfe?. Unlike other public vehicles, Danfe goes to sub ways and moving along the blocks too.

No wonder popularity of Danfe is spreading sporadically. Its proud moment for eco-lovers like me to have such means of transportation in my own city. Danfe is promoting healthy environmental condition in the city.

Since, source of energy from which Danfe runs is electricity which is produced from water. SO it doesn?t emit harmful gases that challenge our atmosphere. In fact ultimate source from which it gain energy is in itself Renewable source. We can guarantee the very low carbon footprint from it.  And Carbon footprint is almost nil compared to it fossil based counterpart.

Time when fossil fuels are creating dire condition and we are all craving towards such vehicles with less future, innovation like Danfe could be a breakthrough to destroy fossil fuel veil.


Rahul Acharya



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  • says :
    I will upload them ASAP
    Posted 09-09-2015 13:28

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well reported Rahul, This Danfe excites me & I need to see its pic.
    Any sustainable move is welcome & must be encouraged.
    Posted 07-09-2015 19:34

  • says :
    I double agree with you mate. It's time we rethink about how much we have dine to our Earth and embrace culture to make it beautiful
    Posted 07-09-2015 11:29

  • says :
    Three cheers for us Bindu di :D
    Posted 07-09-2015 11:28

  • says :
    I hope it comes to most beautiful city of Nepal )
    I jaam just imagining how fun it will be to visit pokhara on Dance Alina. :P
    Posted 07-09-2015 11:27

  • says :
    Yeah. It's cherishing moment Arushi. Thanks for going through report
    Posted 07-09-2015 11:24

  • says :
    While you are in town, you should definately enjoy the rde Bikal bro
    Posted 07-09-2015 11:24

  • says :
    Happy to know about it Deepak. Thanks for going through report
    Posted 07-09-2015 11:23

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    That is great news mate!!! Thanks for sharing it. Indeed we need to work hard to decrease to negative impacts that we do for the Earth. =)
    Posted 07-09-2015 09:56

  • says :
    Dear Rahul brother, travelling in danfe feels so cool and more than that it runs on clean energy. Yeah exactly Deepak brother I read news report recently about popularity of this vehicle in cities of Eastern Nepal also. Feels so good to see our city is moving towards less carbon footprint. Cheers :)
    Posted 07-09-2015 01:28

  • says :
    Glad to know about this Eco-friendly vehicle.
    Hope we have it someday in Pokhara too. :D
    Posted 06-09-2015 21:11

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for telling us about this 6 seater eco vehicle Danfe. Glad to know that people are using it and contributing to reduction in carbon footprint.
    Posted 06-09-2015 19:55

  • says :
    great.. I was not aware about it as I was in Capital City.. My home town going green . Cheers !
    Posted 06-09-2015 18:43

  • says :
    Danfe is getting popular in other cities too... People of Sunwal are also enjyoing ride on ecofriendly vehicle.
    Posted 06-09-2015 16:48

  • says :
    Thank you Sakshi :)
    Posted 06-09-2015 15:33

  • says :
    I like the way you have stood for go green tag
    Posted 06-09-2015 12:58

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