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Topic of Month -Air Pollution

by | 06-09-2015 02:55 recommendations 0

Air pollution in my region-

Today I decided to go for a walk in my locality. I never paid much attention to it until I was asked to write article on air pollution. Roads with cars parked on both sides was kind of normal to me, I was used to it.

 But today walk down the road with this thought of air pollution in my mind, the view that seemed to be a normal day to day observation totally changed .

 I starting thing what are we doing. So many cars all alone the road with so less trees all around. Are we moving to the world where our next generation will come out of there home wearing a gas mask ,when they 'll look up the sky and will find only layers of dust and smoke no stars to count on. 

Come on we need a change lets plant more trees let's do car pooling let's use public transport. We need to think and act to stop this air pollution.


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  • says :
    Baikal nice idea count me in
    Posted 07-09-2015 21:00

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    A simple thought ignites ideas, Sakshi.
    The air pollution must be addressed as it's life threatening. We are polluting the air more & more.
    Trees, Sustainable transport, Greener actions will solve this, Thanks.
    Posted 07-09-2015 19:50

  • says :
    guys lets do one thing. lets do a program at same date with same theme in our own locality. We say in TWINNING PROGRAM. lets do it about air pollution... what say?
    Posted 07-09-2015 12:51

  • Burton Dorley says :
    this is a very serious problem dude thnks for the upload
    Posted 07-09-2015 11:36

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    It is great that you observed around your region mate. You are right. We can not leave such a disaster to the future generations. Thanks for the report and keep working green. =)
    Posted 07-09-2015 09:54

  • says :
    Yes arushi thing need to be changed use ofc public transport will help
    Posted 07-09-2015 02:43

  • says :
    Yeah I agree guys
    Posted 07-09-2015 02:41

  • says :
    Dear Sakshi, I am also analysing much deeper the situation of air pollution in my region. I am so encouraged to know that you travelled far away from your locality to understand the situation better. We can never let our successors suffocate because of the smoke/dust we accumulated. Together we can work for better air quality :)
    Posted 07-09-2015 01:39

  • says :
    much Awareness should be spread and we are to initiate it...
    Posted 06-09-2015 19:37

  • says :
    Public transport, car pooling preety cool topic!!!Thanks for the share Sakshi. I loved your ideas
    Posted 06-09-2015 15:36

  • Arushi Madan says :
    When we observe , we realise how badly polluted our respective places are and how much much we all need to work to reduce.Yes , we should use public transport or car pooling , plant more trees and everything which reduces carbon emission and cleans the air. Thanks for sharing , Sakshi.
    Posted 06-09-2015 11:24

  • says :
    There is some problem in the net pic is not uploaded. It will be in few minutes
    Posted 06-09-2015 02:59

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