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Selection in TGG Mentorship Program

by | 11-09-2015 10:34 recommendations 0

Dear Eco- lovers,

I feel so special writing this report because of two reasons, above all it's my first report in this 15th term and secondly I am sharing happy news with my Eco- generation family. I got a phone call on 6th August from WWF Nepal stating that I have been shortlisted for The Generation Green (TGG) mentorship program. I was notified to get present for the interview next day but as I stay very far from the capital city they offered me the next date for interview. Finally in early morning on 12th August I reached to WWF Nepal office in Kathmandu capital city after 7 hours of long journey in public bus. I saw some other candidates for interview. I went via series of questions during interview and I answered honestly with my commitments. Finally in the evening I saw my name published in their website for being selected for the mentorship program.

Well, let me first explain what is TGG? TGG is an ambitious five year campaign (2014- 2018) of WWF Nepal that seeks to strengthen the engagement of Nepal's youth in conservation and promote smart choices for the environment. TGG mentorship program is an initiative where mentees selected will execute green campaigns under guidelines of influential mentors. For six months of time, mentors and mentees undergo series of interaction which will certainly foster leadership skills among Mentees. My Mentor is Honorable Gagan Thapa, who is a constitution assembly member an iconic youth political leader of our country who is dedicated towards conservation and sustainable development issues.

So, let me share about my team which consists of 5 members. Rest of the team members are from Kathmandu valley. During interview the official said that the mentorship program was intended for youths of Kathmandu valley but couldn't overlook my passion towards conservation and selected even though I am miles away from the city. I assured that I won't let their expectations down. We have Face book group, conversation group and email group via which we have discussions and planning among/between team members and respected mentor. Recently I visited the capital city once more on 5th September during my college academic tour and got chance to meet my team members. There are frequent meetings, once in a week and I am unable to attend each meeting physically. But my thanks to the modern technology that I get updated via social media about the proceedings and progress of my team.

I am sure, you are curious to know what we are planning for our six- month long project. We had many options and ways to contribute in conservation sector but our mentor gave us a bit different idea. He suggested us for a research project and the theme was "Dust is manageable in Kathmandu valley".  We were excited because the idea was new for us. Further he clarified that our country is lacking in data and statistics, so this research can show path to many action plan further. Kathmandu is listed as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Unmanaged urbanization, increasing population, political instability, lack of constitution and sustainable planning are some of the underlying causes for this.

We will be submitting our project proposal by 15th September and once it gets accepted by WWF Nepal we will be provided certain fund for executing our action plan. We have planned for the following activities-

1) Literature and situational review about how dust is managed effectively in rest of the world taking reference of 3 countries from different region

2) Survey questionnaire with the local residents of Kathmandu valley especially people residing along roadsides

3) Consultation with major hospitals for understanding the impacts of dust and air pollution in public health

4) Interviewing with government and planning officers for the policies and strategies they have adopted and their failure/ success in the past

Dear friends, I will surely share the findings and procedures as we proceed. I am sure to have fruitful engagement with a team of energetic youths and exemplary Mentor.

(PS: I was so excited to see the topic for the month of September by our Eco- generation relating to air pollution in my region as our project topic is also related to air)

Photo source: TGG





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  • says :
    Congratulations Bindu di!!!!All the best...well deserved...Great opportunity.
    Posted 18-10-2015 15:16

  • says :
    Congratulations Di for the Best report of the month with this report :) :)
    Posted 17-10-2015 16:45

  • says :
    Thank you so much dear Rohan for going through the report and posting your kind comments.
    Yeah I am much hopeful that they would grant this opportunity to other youths outside the valley in coming days. For sure this is the era of technology :)
    Posted 13-09-2015 20:48

  • says :
    Thank you dear Luiz, Green cheers for our eco- spirit :)
    Posted 13-09-2015 20:42

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    So happy for a deserving person like your dear Bindu. This will be another stepping stone for your long ladder of success.
    7 Hr.s journey in a public bus.. proves your dedication.
    I'm pretty sure that your enthusiasm will convince them to consider other candidates outside the valley as well. In this era of technology, distance is no bar & personal meeting is no binding.
    All the best!

    Posted 13-09-2015 14:16

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Great job Bindu!! You rock!! =D Keep the green spirit!!!
    Posted 12-09-2015 22:37

  • says :
    Thank you dear Bikal brother ^_^
    Posted 12-09-2015 10:17

  • says :
    Thank you so much dear Alina sister ^_^
    Posted 12-09-2015 10:16

  • says :
    COngratz bindu..
    Posted 12-09-2015 01:54

  • says :
    Congratulations dii !!
    Great opportunity indeed. :)
    Posted 12-09-2015 00:59

  • says :
    Thank you dear Harmanjot. I am hopeful too that the six months of this project be a milestone in my preservation and conservation efforts :)
    Posted 11-09-2015 20:31

  • says :
    Congratulations Bindu! I am sure it will be an enriching experience and you will learn a lot,as well as contribute to environmental preservation.All the best.
    Posted 11-09-2015 19:07

  • says :
    Thank you so much dear Arushi sister, yeah it's a great opportunity and I am pretty excited. I hope to learn a lot and broaden my horizon of understanding. For sure I would update you with the progress and outcomes in near future.
    Thank you dear sister :)
    Posted 11-09-2015 18:09

  • says :
    First of all thank you dear Rahul brother :) Yeah I talked to them about decentralizing the opportunity as there are many passionate well deserving youths outside the Kathmandu valley also. But their plan is to replicate only after this mentorship program gains huge success at valley. Also another reason was as the influential mentors remain very busy so it would be quite difficult for time coordination if mentees are out of the valley.
    Nevertheless I hope that their plans outreach to other places in near future.t
    Hope my dear brother doesn't have to face age bar next time :)
    Posted 11-09-2015 17:55

  • says :
    Dear Yuna, thank you for your lovely comments. I am hopeful to have great experience :)
    Posted 11-09-2015 17:49

  • says :
    Thank you so much dear Sandhya, and convey my warmest regards to Sanot brother as well.
    Cheers :)
    Posted 11-09-2015 17:42

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Heartiest Congrats Bindu di,very deserving. I am sure you are going to outperform and shine in your team. You must be excited. This is a great opportunity to learn , practise and develop your environment passion further contributing towards solving the local environmental challenges. Looking forward to updates regarding your campaigns.
    Posted 11-09-2015 16:32

  • says :
    Cmongratulation Bindu di. Where there is will there is a way ( except for age bar :P )
    I was more than happy to see you being selected.
    I can guarantee you will win out everyone and become the best they have so far.
    Please send them message them to carryout and reach outer valley youths like us as well. :)

    God!!! how many opportunities I am missing because of my age limitation and being out of valley. :/
    Best wishes Bindu di
    Posted 11-09-2015 12:23

  • says :
    Wow, congratulations! this program seems so beneficial, I hope you had great experience, and thanks for sharing! :3
    Posted 11-09-2015 12:11

  • says :
    i got to know it from sanat sir...I was about to congratulate u on person , u posted here!! Tons of congratulation..keep moving! keep inspiring!! CHEERS :)

    Posted 11-09-2015 11:56

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