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Medical importance of indegenous plants

by | 11-09-2015 12:14 recommendations 0

It was during my Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) class, I realized how fulfilled we are at least medically. Our sir had ask us to collect at 25 MAPs for the herbarium.

I was shocked to hear the number 25. I was like ?Hey, I can barely collect few. 25 is overwhelming.?  Weeds and ornamental plants, insects collection were easy to do but MAPs that?s pretty out of my hit. That was what my follish assumption were. After Herbarium information we had our MAPs lectures.

Me and my friend Bibek then started our MAPs voyeur. We started reading PDFs files that had plethora of information. Needless to say, my jaws were wide opened to see so many plants holding importance medicinally.

We even went to Forestry Department of Chitwan District. There too we came to know about lots of medically important trees. Thanks to hospitable nature of  experts there.While exploring the department,I saw nursery plants there. I knew as an organisation we could ask for the sapling. But acceptance of Individual request was something I was unaware of. Knowing we could take sapling, I requested for 2 plants. Then I couldn?t resist myself and asked for 5. No this doesn?t stop there. I came back home with 10 seedlings. My mom and dad's and neighbours expression was amusing. I simply can't wait to see these tiny seedlings grow. :D

It was information from Forestry department and MAPs PDF I come to realize many plants that we neglect and  even coined agriculture weeds holds medical value like Bryophyllum pinnatum, Lantana Camara, Ageratum conizoides, Callotropis sps, Cyndon dactylon, Euphorbia hista, etc.  Even plants like Mango, Bakaina( Melia azadirach), Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Pisidium Guajava, Catharanthus roseus, etc hold medical importance. That was lot of information for me.

Some of the popular MAPs that we used to use include Neem (Azadirachta indica), Ficus religiosa, Carica papaya, Cassia fistula, Citrus sps, Cinnamomum tamala, Eugenia jambolana, Nephrolepsi, Artimisia vulgaris,  Thea sinensis, Roses, Chrysanthemum indicum, Cinamomum camphora, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Ocimum basilicum, Asparagus racemosus, etc.

I have uploaded screenshot of the pdf that I read and have handsome number of plants with its importance, scientific name and other necessary information. Dig into it. Try to search some more out in your neighborhood as well. Who knows useless plant of yesterday could be your homemade remedy for today.

Everytime I see plants I question myself 'Could that be medicine.'

Nature is amazing and full of surprises. Biodiversity is enormously intriguing. Explore more!!!

PS do search Gachaddhar Indigineous Knowledge. That has compiled medicinal plants in lucid form
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  • says :
    It my pleasure Rohan!!!
    Posted 14-09-2015 14:57

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Rahul, thanks for posting such a useful information. That further cements the fact that we must take care of the Plants so that they give these useful medicinal properties.
    The best part of Nature's cure is that it has NIL side effects.
    Posted 13-09-2015 14:20

  • says :
    For sure I can help you Dear Delegates
    Posted 13-09-2015 13:14

  • says :
    Exactly Luiz. We need to explore them
    Posted 13-09-2015 13:13

  • says :
    Hehe yeah Bindu di. I hope to make more of such practical
    Posted 13-09-2015 13:10

  • says :
    No side effect and other health benefits are the double advantages of using them Harmanjot
    Posted 13-09-2015 13:03

  • says :
    You sre so correct Arushi. Hindu Ayurvedic culture o's so rich and complete. I often use tulsi, Neem , aloe Vera for my general treatment and cough
    Posted 13-09-2015 13:02

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Indeed, if we believe and explore more the the indigenous plant, we would not be required to use a lot of chemical medicines.... Thanks for the report mate. Keep sharing. =D
    Posted 12-09-2015 22:40

  • says :
    beside the medicinal importance, medicinal plants are the mere source of economy mostly among the ethnic groups in the high hills of nepal... and wow!! CHAIR u had already prepared herbarium..hope to get support..we have not prepared yet!! :(
    Posted 11-09-2015 23:21

  • says :
    Dear Rahul brother, I am so happy that the assignment of MAPs let you learn a lot about the medicinal plants. Glad to know that you got many information while visiting DFO and came back with 10 seedlings.
    Like Arushi sister said people in developing countries still rely on medicinal plants for cure. Currently I am suffering from flu and taking hot water with turmeric, tulsi and other herbs prepared by my mother :)
    Posted 11-09-2015 20:59

  • says :
    Our environment offers numerous benefits to us in many forms,like medicinal plants.These do not have side effects.Hence we must protect our nature.Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 11-09-2015 19:12

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Plants have been an integral part of human culture and their role as a source of medicine in traditional and alternative system of medicine, is very significant as 80% of world's population especially in developing countries like India , Nepal , Bangladesh rely a lot on medicinal plants for any kind of cure. At my home too , my mother & grandmother always give me herbal/plant based medicines for any health problem I suffer from . Thanks for sharing this pool of information.
    Posted 11-09-2015 17:23

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