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Role of Microbes in Soil Fertility/Productivity

by | 16-09-2015 00:32 recommendations 0

Soil productivity is considered as important factor for the success of agricultural production rather than soil fertility. Status of nutrient present in the soil and its ability to supply the nutrient determines the fertility of the soil whereas the ability of soil to produce the higher yield is soil productivity. Production of agricultural depends upon the many properties of the soil such as its textural class, structure, acidity, alkalinity, water holding capacity, cation/ anionexchange capacity, etc.  (Brady & Weil, 2012). Crops are generally suited for particular textural class of soiland so all fertile soils are not productive. For e.g. potato gives higher production in loamy to sandy loam soil and it is not suited to clay soil even if its fertility is high. Therefore we can say fertile soil is not always productive but productive soil is always fertile.

Soil is a vibrant habitat for huge variety of life-forms. It gives a mechanical support to plants from which they extract nutrients. It shelters many animals from invertebrates such as worms and insects up to mammals like rabbits, moles and badgers. It also provides habitats for microorganisms. All these forms of life interrelate with each other and with the soil to create continually changing conditions. This allows changes in soil fertility and the soil productivity.

Soil contains many micro and macro flora and fauna. According to the study conducted by Johnson in 1979, agricultural field containing 4% organic matter has the following count of soil macro and micro flora and fauna,

 Animal (2%)  Biomass No. (kg/ha) Plant (98%)  Biomass No. (kg/ha)
 Micro: Protoza  100 (104-105 /gm)  Micro: Bacterial  5000 (108-109/gm)
 Nematode  2-100 (10-102 /gm)  Actinomycetes  1500 (107-108 /gm)
 Macro: Earthworm  50 (3.3*105 /HFS)  Fungi  5000 (105󈚮6 /gm)
 Myriapods  40 (5.5*106 /HFS)  Algae  10 (104-105 /gm)
 Insects  10-100 (50/HFS)  Macro: Plant roots  4000
 Rodents  5    

(Estimated content of organism in soil, Johanson, 1979)

Similarly the study of Torsvik et al in 2002 showed the similar count of the micro flora and fauna on the surface soil horizon. The rhizosphere, area around the effective root zone, can comprise up to 1011 Microbial cells per gram of root and above 30,000 prokaryotic species in general (Egamberdieva, Kamilova, Validov, Gafurova, Kucharova, & Lugtenberg, 2008). This indicates organic compound have a positive correlation with the microbial population. Soil rich in organic matter has higher count of micro flora and fauna than soil with low organic matter. Forest soil is rich in micro flora and fauna (Mandal, 2013). And soil containing higher number of micro flora and fauna are considered as a living soil.

The agriculturally beneficial microbial populations are plant growth promoting N-fixing cyanobacteria, rhizobacteria, mycorrhiza, plant disease suppressive beneficial bacteria, stress tolerance endophytes and bio-degrading microbes. Count of Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Rhizobium, cyanobacteria, phosphorus and potassium solubilizing microorganisms and mycorrhizae where high under no tillage or minimum tillage soil.  These are some of the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria   (Bhardwaj, Ansari, Sahoo, & Tuteja, 2014). Bacterial are the important soil microorganism responsible for many enzymatic transformation like nitrification, ammonification etc. Azosprillum is micro aerobic that fixesthe nitrogen in association with roots of grasses. Inoculation of Azosprillumto the grass crops have positive hormonal effect on roots and plant growth (Mandal, 2013). Rhizobium alonein symbiotic association with legume fixes about 50-200 kg of N2 per ha. The following table shows the amount of nitrogen fixed by the different microorganism with symbiotic association with different species of plant.

Crop or Plant

Associated organism

Typical level of N2

fixation (kgN/ha/yrs)

Ipil-ipil (Leucaenaleucocephala)



Alfa-Alfa (Mediago sativa)



Clover (Trifolium pretense)



Coepea (Vignaunguiculata)



Pigeon pea (Cajunussp)



Alder (Alnussp)



Species of Gunnera









(Nature and Properties of Soil, 2012)

Nonsymbiotic association of Azobacter, Clostridium fixes about 5-20 kg N/ha/yrs and various species of blue green algae fixes about 10-50 kg N/ha/yrs  (Brady & Weil, 2012). A phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strain NII-0909 of Micrococcus sp. has polyvalent properties including phosphate solubilisation and siderophore production  (Dastager, Deepa, & Pandey, 2010). Similarly, two fungi Aspergillusfumigatus and A. Niger were isolated from decaying cassava peels were found to convert cassava wastes by the semi-solid fermentation technique to phosphate biofertilizers  (Ogbo, 2010).

Nitrifying bacteria of the genus Nitrosomonasproduce nitrite ions from the oxidation of ammonia. Bacteria of the genus Nitrobacter and a few other genera can oxidise nitrites to nitrates. Nitrogen fixers such as Clostridium pasteurianum and Desulfovibriodesulfuricans are obligate anaerobes. They convert atmospheric nitrogen in ammonia and fix in soil. Study conducted by Boyle et al, at 2008 showed that fungal:bacterial ratios were significantly low at the high-productivity site compared to the low-productivity site. The presence of red alder (Alnusrubra) increased gross and net nitrification, and processes were mediated by prokaryotes. They also suggest that the main sink for NH4+ in soils may be autotrophic nitrifiers  (Boyle, Yarwood, Bottomley, & Myrold, 2008). Acid products of bacterial fermentations convert insoluble phosphates into soluble phosphates which are now utilized by plant for growth.Also Vascular ArbuscularMycorizza in association with plant roots converts insoluble phosphate into soluble one. Bacteria such as Thiobacillusferrooxidans and iron bacteria of the genus Gallionella are capable of oxidizing ferrous (Fe2+) iron into ferric (Fe3+) iron  (Hertage, Evans, & Killington, 1999).

Soil flora and fauna plays a great role in improving the soil texture, nutrient and crop productivity. Bacteria on decomposing plant tissue secrets Polysaccharides and other organic glue and sticky sugar-protein called glomalin secreted by mycorrhizae possess cementing properties which helps to hold the soil particles together. Also decomposition of organic component by the bacteria increases the soil porosity which increases the infilteration capacity, thus protects the soil from the erosio (Rao, 2005).

Thus we can conclude presence of microorganism in soil is beneficial for soil productivity and greater crop yield.

soil mircroorganism

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a scientific report. Thanks for that mate. Keep it up. =)
    Posted 20-09-2015 09:54

  • says :
    my pleasure :)
    Posted 16-09-2015 11:22

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for the vivid report rich in neccessary details.I enjoyed reading it .
    Posted 16-09-2015 03:59

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