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Indoor Plants that improve quality of Air

by | 15-09-2015 22:13 recommendations 0

Adults breathe 17,000 liters of air every day. Can you guess how much of that is pure? According to The World health Organization (WHO) nearly 4.3 million deaths were caused in 2012 by poor indoor air quality (IAQ).The WHO report also said deaths due to poor IAQ are greater than the deaths due to AIDS, Diabetes and road accidents combined.

The US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that indoor air is often 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air, especially in developed areas. The trapped pollutants result in what is often called the Sick Building Syndrome. Some indoor plants not only make indoor spaces more attractive but also help to purify the air. The NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) study showed that many houseplants also remove harmful elements such as trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air. Substances like chemical-based cleaners, air fresheners, scents and detergents can further pollute indoor air and contribute to poor indoor air quality. An easy way to reduce this type of indoor air pollution is to switch to non-toxic options for cleaning.

Most of homes and buildings in which people spend majority of their time are designed for energy efficiency are often tightly sealed to avoid energy loss from air conditioning systems. Synthetic building materials used in modern construction have been found to produce potential pollutants that remain trapped in these unventilated buildings. Some of indoor plants that improves quality of air are: Mother in Law?s Tongue (Sanseveira), Money Plant,Aloe vera, Peace Lily, Dracaena, English Ivy that have reputed air filters and are able to get rid of Benzene, Formaldehyde and Trichloroethylene from the air.

Some of these plants can remove up to 90 percent of the toxins in our indoor air and leaves grow quickly and help to absorb harmful substances like mold, other allergens. Some plants are good for those who have common dust allergies. These plants also help to absorb small traces of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

Spathiphyllum (peace lily) - It helps to reduce the levels of mold spores that grow in the home by absorbing those spores through its leaves and them circulating them to the plant?s roots where they are used as food. In bathrooms, the Peace Lily can help to keep shower tiles and curtains free from mildew and the plant can absorb harmful vapors from alcohol and acetone.

Hedera helix (English ivy)-English Ivy plant on your desk will help to give you better focus because it can also absorb trace amounts of benzene which is a chemical commonly found in office equipment. It is perfect for those who have pets in the home as it can reduce the amount of airborne fecal matter.

Boston fern-These plants act as humidifiers and can help to restore moisture in the air so they are perfect for those who suffer from dry skin

Chinese evergreen-This helps to remove toxins from the air that are commonly found in chemical based household cleaners.

Eucalyptus-The leaves of the Eucalyptus plant are filled with tannins which can raise healthy fluids in the body?s air passages. Just breathing in the scent of these plants can help to lower congestion problems and ward off colds.

Chrysanthemum-Chrysanthemums can help to filter out benzene, a chemical that is very commonly found in many household detergents as well as paints, plastics and some glue products. They prefer direct sunlight and work well as hanging plants near windows.

African Violets-Gazing at the plant can help to stimulate adrenaline release and can increase the flow of oxygen to the brain which can help you to relax. The plants are small and easy to care for, although they do prefer indirect sunlight. They grow very well in artificial light so they are perfect for those who do not have access to direct sunlight.

Most nurseries across the UAE stock the standard trio of plants worshiped for their abilities to strip the air of toxins. It?s evident that lot more needs to be done about cleaning the air. The government and industries have a long way to go.







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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Wow, that is very cool!!! Indeed, indoor air quality is essencial for us and plants can help us to achieve that. Thanks for sharing!! Keep it up.
    Posted 20-09-2015 09:53

  • says :
    thanks mate for the information...keep sharing :)
    Posted 18-09-2015 19:28

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for an informative report , Mohit. I also posted a report yesterday 'Indoor air pollution not to be overlooked' emphasising the need to have indoor plant to purify the indoor air which can be more harmful than outdoor air.Thanks for highlighting the issue and detailing the useful plants for cleaning the indoor air.
    Posted 16-09-2015 03:54

  • says :
    Informative report Mohit. Also Sansveria are one of the best indoor plant so is Aloe Vera :D
    Posted 15-09-2015 23:53

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