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International Day for Preservation of Ozone Layer

by | 16-09-2015 12:28 recommendations 0

It is really a great honor that 4 ambassadors from Nepal viz. Bikal Ghimire, Rahul Acharya, Sujan Adhikari and Sandhya Rijal, we all belong to a youth activism club named Leo Club of Chitwan Central. By our joint effort in collaboration with our Chitwan Central Leo Club, The Eco Minions and Tunza Eco Generation, we are celebrating International Day for the Preservation of Ozone Layer at Agriculture and Forestry University with theme OZONE: All there is between You and UV.

The program has been divided in to  two session. We have a key speaker for the program Dr. Krishna Kafle who is the acting Campus Chief of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science and who is also the representative of our parent club Lions Club of Chitwan Central. He will be speaking broadly about the ozone, its importance, how it is deteriorated, how can we protect it and what can be our roles as a green youth.

After his presentation, the audience/participants will be divided in groups and given time to prepare the ideas and methodologies they can apply to save the ozone. Then each group will be given time for the presentation. 

After the presentation, the speaker Dr. Kafle will address about the best idea represented by the group. This way not only the participants will learn about how can they preserve ozone as a green youth but also develop some leadership for they have to present the ideas their groups developed one by one. Thus, the program will have a success of its theme along with some leadership in the youth "Lead for a Need".

Bikal Ghimire
Leo Club of Chitwan Central
Eco-gen Ambassador

Ozone day

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  • says :
    thanks for your encouraging words Luiz
    Posted 18-09-2015 15:44

  • says :
    Thank you rohan, the outcome article has been already shared by Rahul
    Posted 18-09-2015 15:44

  • says :
    Thanks arushi, I feel so glory that we four ambassadors are in the same club and we are doing it together (Y)
    Posted 18-09-2015 15:44

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congratulations for taking initiative to celebrate 'International Day for Preservation of Ozone Layer' in such a meaningful way. I like the theme ' OZONE: All there is between You and UV'-makes so much sense. Thanks for sharing , Bikal.
    Posted 16-09-2015 23:15

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well planned event Bikal. Pls do share the outcome of this exciting Program. I'm sure the participants will greatly benefit by the esteemed speakers & the workshop on ideas to save the ozone layer.
    Posted 16-09-2015 15:56

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    That is gorgeous. Seems a great event. Thanks for sharing mate! =)
    Posted 16-09-2015 13:45

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