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The quality of the air we breathe

by | 16-09-2015 12:38 recommendations 0

To live, a human being needs about 10 000 to 15 000 liters of air each day. This represents between 12 and 18 kg of air!
Normal air composition is:
- 78% nitrogen (N)
- 21% oxygen (O)
- 1% of other gases

When this air is modified by elements that are harmful to our health and our environment (pollutants), we say that the air is polluted.

The french law on "Air Quality and the Rational Use of Energy" (LAURE) defines air pollution as "the introduction by man, directly or indirectly, in the atmosphere and closed spaces, of substances having adverse consequences such as to endanger human health, to harm living resources and ecosystems, to influence climate change, damage the property, to cause excessive odor nuisance.
This pollution is more pronounced in town where focus: cars, trucks, two-wheelers, heating buildings ... or at times: no wind, heat period.

Also, it is essential to limit pollution at the source, where the pollutants are emitted.
For this, we must first clearly identify the sources of pollution. Polluting? When ? What for ?
What pollutes the air?

Several factors are considered air pollutants because they do not exist naturally in the air or not such a concentration, and they are harmful to the health of living beings.

These are gases, often invisible, such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur (SO2), or ozone (O3). There is also solid particles, more or less fine. They give them consistency and color to fumes. These dusts are of mineral, organic or metallic.
The presence of water as vapor or suspended microdroplets to a white smoke is not considered polluting.

What causes air pollution?

Air pollutants can be natural (volcanic emissions, plants producing pollens, lightning ...), but also due to human activities:
- Transport
- Industry
- Building heating
- Agriculture with the use of nitrogen fertilizers, pesticides and animal emissions
- Waste incineration.

Finally, in closed spaces, the use of cleaning products, carpet glues, some chipboard furniture, household activities such as crafts ... also emit pollutants.

Air pullution in my region:

Annaba, a coastal city of northeast Algeria, is limited to the south, east and west by the wilayas of Guelma respectively, El Tarf and Skikda. Its industrial vocation and its status as capital of the steel, make it one of the most polluted regions. The air quality is impaired by the presence of harmful chemical species which can be pollutants as gases, smoke, solid or liquid particles, corrosive, toxic or odorous. These compounds result from a large number of activities grouped into two categories:
- Stationary pollution sources (boilers, combustion fire, industrial, domestic and agricultural ...)
- Mobile sources (motor traffic, rail and air transport ...)
Air is one of the essential elements of life, quality is now one of the concerns among the priorities set out in the government's strategy and supported by the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment. The stakes are high: it is to contribute through research, to the development of public policy in the field of air quality by expanding knowledge about sources of pollutant emissions, their chemical interactions and their effects on health and the environment.
Today, a network of air quality measures used to find the concentration of major pollutants in the ambient air in urban areas Annaba, including discharges generated by the steel complex MITTAL STEEL EL HADJAR (eg SNS and ISPAT)
and the production of complex fertilizers FERTIAL (eg ASMIDAL).
This network called "SAMA SAFIA" has the latest techniques in the field. The interest of this work is to assess the impact of the actual air pollution by industrial waste on water quality in the region, whether shallow groundwater [unconfined aquifers] or surface [dams , hillside reservoirs ...].

FERTIAL FERTIAL http://www.vitaminedz.com/photos/46/46374-complexe-d-el-hadjar-a-annaba.jpg

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  • Arushi Madan says :
    The air we breathe should be pollution free and to make it clean , everyone from individuals to farmers to corporates to govts. to industrialists have to play responsible role. Thanks for sharing , Sara.
    Posted 17-09-2015 00:03

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the information about air pollution and for introducing us Annaba region. That is a topic that should get focus by government and people. Sara, lets keep working hard for our planet and people. Keep it up. =)
    Posted 16-09-2015 13:43

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