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Air Pollution In UAE

by | 24-09-2015 18:00 recommendations 0

The rapid economic development of the United Arab Emirates for the past two decades has accelerated its industrialization to a level that is unprecedented on its history.


Along with this are the environmental consequences of its development, which includes air pollution brought by the increase in road transportation and industrial activities.



These concerns were behind the enactment of several relevant legislations, which started on 1991 and recently with the issuance of Federal Law No. 12. The legislations provided the mandate to manage the quality air. 



 Man-made air pollution may have been responsible for more than 600 deaths in 2007, an estimated seven per cent of all UAE fatalities, a study has found. 

The biggest hazard, according to the American researchers, is particulate matter - tiny particles of sand, dust and chemicals that can penetrate deep within the lungs.



Sand and dust storms carrying millions of tiny airborne particles occur naturally in a desert country such as the UAE is. Construction activities can also stir up dust.

Industrial processes such as fossil-fuel combustion in vehicle engines and refineries are also sources of PM (particulate matter) pollution. There is also not enough information about the chemical composition and size of the floating particles, which has an effect on how dangerous they are. 



Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, Dubai Municipality - Environment Department and Bee?ah have started studying the chemical composition and character of PM pollution and are expanding their network of air-quality monitoring stations. Special attention is being paid to the very tiny particles, less than a quarter of a hundredth of a millimetre across. They are considered to be the most dangerous to health as they penetrate deeper into the lungs. 


UAE was recently under controversy when it was identified as the country with the most polluted air.

A leading environment agency in Sharjah has rejected the recent findings of the World Bank in its Little Green Data Book identifying the UAE as the "country with the most polluted air".



Also, despite the massive economic development, industrialisation and considerable electricity consumption in the country, the UAE remains within the 'green zone' in ecological terms, according to the World Health Organisation guidelines




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Air Pollution In UAE

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  • says :
    I agree with you @Luiz @Bindu and @Arushi
    Posted 29-09-2015 04:14

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report. I reckon that population growing is the core cause of air pollution in the world. That is way we need to educate people and create technologies to cure the planet. Keep sharing and with the green spirit! =D
    Posted 29-09-2015 00:15

  • says :
    Dear Humaid, thank you for the article describing facts and your insights about Air pollution in UAE. Despite the harsh climatic condition and desert sandy land, UAE is doing a lot for eco- friendly initiatives. I too agree that it may not be the country with most polluted air .
    Thank you for the report :)
    Posted 25-09-2015 11:17

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for reporting 'Air pollution in UAE'. Although man made factors , urbanisation and natural sand storms etc contribute to the quality of air which is not the best but we are glad that we have many environment management companies which are working to improve it , govts are devising strategies to promote public transport , green buildings, electric cars etc.
    Posted 25-09-2015 02:26

  • says :
    Thanks for reporting on air pollution in UAE,Humaid.Lets hope that soon this problem of air pollution would be eradicated.
    Posted 25-09-2015 00:45

  • Burton Dorley says :
    This is a great report thnkx
    Posted 24-09-2015 23:47

  • says :
    Great article bro..nothing Bad about it!! The info. may be termed bad but a bitter truth!! Air Pollution is a dreaded issue world wide & in winter we see its affects! But yeah UAE is working for environment too!! :)
    Posted 24-09-2015 23:37

  • says :
    bad info:(
    Posted 24-09-2015 18:17

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