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Yes, I was shocked

by | 25-09-2015 02:22 recommendations 0

Yes, I was shocked.

How is it possible for the largest car industry of the world to infringe intentionally so many regulations, in order to sell more cars and lead to larger pollution of the environment?

How greedy can someone be, that, in order to maximize the profits of an already extremely wealthy company, would show such indifference on people's health, and pollution of the environment?

As you may have heard, the German car industry "Volkswagen" admitted, after investigation in USA conducted by an NGO, to have programmed the software on its cars, so that when their emissions were measured officially, the system would shift to a special mode in which it would emit 40 times less NOx pollutants than they would under normal circumstances, tricking exhaust gas counters, .

It was proven that the reason for this fraud was neither the technology (diesel) nor the strict specifications, since the other German car (BMW) that was also tested was well within the specifications.

According to the analysis of Guardian (UK newspaper), ever year in the U.S.A, because of Volkswagen?s NOx extra emissions, 12,000-40,000 tons of toxic NOx substances were emitted. If the specifications were followed, only (comparably) 1,030 tones would be emitted.

The company has admitted that such software has been incorporated in 11 million vehicles worldwide, which are responsible for between 237,161 to 948,691 tons of NOx emissions each year, surpassing 10 to 40 times the pollution standard.


The apparent reason for the application of this software was that engine, in conditions leading to higher emissions, had more horsepower and worked under conditions that required less maintenance. Therefore, the company instead of investing in research to develop the engine's performance, preferred to cheat consumers and the authorities in order to sell more cars.

The fraud was discovered by a research team of West Virginia University, subcontracted by the NGO International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), that performs independent – and crucially on-road – emission tests.

The table below shows the measurements of the independent laboratory that discovered the fraud. The specification is the black dotted line, the indications under conventional measurement is the blue column, and the actual emissions of NOx are the orange columns (Highway/Urban/Rural driving)


VW results

I do not know what led to the company's managers, even in a country known for its environmental sensitivities, to decide to deceive consumers at the expense of the global environment with serious consequences for the environment and public health.

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed"
-Mahatma Gandhi

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Wow. How come? Shocking!! Anyway, thanks for sharing!
    Posted 29-09-2015 00:12

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing your strong discontent.
    Also, it is a great idea of Rahul, that a large share of the fine paid for the company's fraud should be given to UNEP, to facilitate measures to compensate the damage done by the 11 million hacked cars of the company.
    Posted 27-09-2015 00:39

  • says :
    Yes, quite a shocker. Such automobile industries are crashing down because of their GHG emissions such as NO2. Thanks for the report:)
    Posted 26-09-2015 12:36

  • says :
    BMW has also breached EU Emission standards via CNN.
    I think automobile companies needs to be more thoughtul
    Posted 26-09-2015 07:51

  • says :
    This also raise question on how reliable is our testing.I am quite skeptic over eco tag of other multi nationalcompanies as well.
    Now I am understanding the topic 'Eco wash ' written by our own fellow ambassador. Thanks for opening our eyes.

    Posted 26-09-2015 04:11

  • says :
    Very disheartening news. Their 50 % of 10 years revenue should ge paid for the citizen in which the cars are running currently. And 50% of their share be owned by UNEP or any other reliable environment organisations. More over their profits needs to be all utilised in preserving environment. So that any national /inter national company try to breach rule and play with our environment, the whole company becomes share of the environment organisations.
    That's the only way such money minded environment blinded company learn lesson
    Posted 26-09-2015 04:07

  • says :
    This is a very alarming news.How can one cheat the consumers and harm the environment this way? This is all aimed to maximize profit.But I hope that all the other companies take it as a lesson and do not repeat such things in the future.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 26-09-2015 00:32

  • says :
    Its very very very Shocking!! The last quote says it all!! Mahatma Gandhi...a noble soul & father of India said it decades ago but it seems these MNCs hardly give a damn about it!! :(
    Posted 25-09-2015 17:26

  • says :
    This is terribly shocking news :( :( It's so hard to believe that some companies can be such blind folded for wealth. But much happy to know that their fraud was caught by independent research and hope other companies (if any) will not repeat such sin again.
    Thank you for sharing dear Konstantinos :)
    Posted 25-09-2015 11:02

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    It was really shocking news indeed....:(
    Posted 25-09-2015 08:52

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I was also equally shocked to read about VW's breach of customer's trust by manipulating diesel emission tests. They have cheated the market , customers and all the stakeholders and caused so much harm to environment and ultimately they have spoiled their brand image too. Thanks for sharing, Konstantinos.
    Posted 25-09-2015 02:33

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