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South Asia Youth Environment Conclave 2015 and My Invaluable Experience

by | 09-10-2015 00:59 recommendations 0

Green Greetings to all dear members of Tunza Eco- generation family :) First of all I apologize for being way from this family for a couple of days, I was going through hectic exams of 7th semester for more than a month. Today, I want to share some of my experience at South Asia Youth Environment Conclave 2015.

On 5th June, I got an email stating that I have been shortlisted to attend South Asia Youth Environment Conclave 2015 at American Centre, New Delhi, India. The conclave was organized by Earth Day Network (EDN) India, Centre for Environment Education (CEE) and South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN) sponsored by American Centre, US Embassy India.  After going through selection process on the basis of my application form and green activities at community level, I succeeded to be selected as one of the 72 participants from 5 South Asian countries. The date of the conclave was fixed for September 29 and 30. Coincidentally, my exam routine came after and the date coincided with the conclave. Then, I was in a great dilemma either to leave this opportunity or miss one of my final exams. When the issue is related to environment, I simply can't resist. Finally, I decided to attend the conclave despite missing one of my final exams.

Much glad to share one of our active members, Prashant Bhandari brother and a new member friend Sudeep Ghimire was also selected for the conclave. We were sponsored for our travel and accommodation at International Youth Centre, New Delhi.

1st Day of the Conclave

I was pretty much excited to meet the environmental stewards from South Asia. We were taken by bus to the venue i.e. American Centre. We had poster presentation session at the very beginning. All of us had printed A3 poster paper reflecting our green works. After the exhibition of creative, tireless green efforts of the participants we were warmly welcomed by Director of American Centre. Then after lead Presentation by Stewart Davis, Energy Officer, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi on ?Solar Energy? which focused on the feasibility and potential of solar energy in temperate regions of South Asia. After refreshments we worked in group to focus on our actions, success stories and obstacles that came our way. Expert panelists from diverse fields (energy, banking, INGOs, government bodies) gave their suggestions to each group presentation in increasing our impact of green works and how to formulate ideas into action.

2nd Day of the Conclave

On the final day, we were so glad to have session from Mr Kartikeya Sarabhai, Director, CEE on

?Ways Youth Can Work for a Sustainable Environment?. Then after, we again worked in groups to drive the ideas on building youth synergy and ways to continue this positive vibe and networking in coming days. As a group leader I presented the solutions offered by our group. Following group presentations, we (international participants) were given short time to share our experience of the conclave. After that, organizers Mrs. Madhavi Joshi, Mrs. Karuna Singh, Mrs. Neela and Mr. Sagar Suri moderated a session on planning for upcoming Earth Day next year. There was an open mike session and we presented different green ideas for celebration. Painting public walls with green messages along with awareness or tree plantation was most feasible (yet to be decided). Last but not the least, organizers concluded the session with thanks giving and encouraging marking that "It was the end of conclave, but a beginning to green networking".

Lessons Learnt and Joyful Moments

Though the duration of the Conclave was very short, the networking among likeminded youths was the most valuable aspect. We have created our Facebook and Whats app group where we share our efforts, green practices around and related opportunities. Through presentation and feedback of expert panel what stroked me the most was necessity/benefits of impact assessment after each of our events/campaigns and taking action on eco- efficiency like energy efficiency instead of alternatives. Apart from formal sessions we were taken for a short city tour and dinner out during which our interactions widened and bonding strengthened. We had group pictures and lots of fun with learning via this networking.

Promoting Tunza Eco- Generation

And yeah, how can I miss to promote my Eco- generation family wherever I go? During breakfast in the early morning on 30th September, I requested for permission with Madhavi Joshi Ma'am from CEE to promote Tunza among the Conclave circle. Much happy to know about her attachment and collaboration with Eco- Generation, she was so happy to know that I am a regional ambassador at this elite platform. I requested for everybody's attention for a couple of minutes and introduced Eco- generation as a CSR program of Samsung Engineering, its objectives, history and my role in brief. Then I distribute the leaflets, pen and ruler I had carried to the participants. I requested them to join this platform as well as participate in the ongoing essay competition as well. I received many queries during lunch break from the curious friends and I was so pleased to explain them in details (I can see my friends like Thinley Wangmo, Kavita Gala and many have joined this network after this)  

Last but not the least, though I missed the final exam the conclave was worth missing. I feel so blessed to have interacted with so many friends from South Asia and know about their green practices. I am sure this networking continues lifelong and inspires us for green living and spreading green messages worldwide :)







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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Thank you all lovely mates :) Your kind support, suggestions and encouragement motivates me to go further in green path.
    Green Cheers to all of us :)
    Posted 13-10-2015 14:54

  • says :
    Congratulations Di :) You are amazing
    Posted 12-10-2015 12:49

  • says :
    Congratulations Bindu :) You shared your experiences beautifully and we got so much information from you.... the work you are doing is simply awesome :) Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 11-10-2015 17:43

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Amazing Bindu!!!! You deserve it. I am glad on follow your green story!!! =D Keep the spirit and lets save the Earth!
    Posted 11-10-2015 00:19

  • says :
    Bindu, you deserve to be there. I follow your activities and I think you are doing pretty great. We all need be in such gatherings like this. Great job
    Posted 10-10-2015 23:20

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congrats Bindudi , for your selection as one of the 72 participants. Truly deserving. So happy for you. Yeah , with the experience you got , networking opportunity you had , I am sure it was worth missing your exam. Thanks for sharing your experiences and great that you promoted Tunza Eco Gen as well.
    Posted 10-10-2015 05:37

  • says :
    Glad to know that you got to be a part of the conclave.I am sure you had a very good experience.Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 10-10-2015 04:28

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Congrats Dear Bindu, on being selected for such an elite conclave. This must have been an other exciting experience for you.
    Thanks for promoting Tunza Platform here too. It gives immense satisfaction to give back to this amazing platform.
    Posted 09-10-2015 19:52

  • says :
    Dear Bindu and Thinley,
    Nice to see you both and congratulations to both..
    Posted 09-10-2015 19:19

  • says :
    Was desperately waiting for this report. I am glad to see so many familiar faces )
    Hehe it's awesome to know Madhav Joshi is attached to our eco generation (though I saw her in our eco generation school kits :D )
    Am sure to learn more in live from two great Bhandaris lol
    Posted 09-10-2015 19:16

  • says :
    well depicted sister. It was fun!
    Posted 09-10-2015 16:52

  • says :
    And Happy to see my pictures with you.. :)
    Posted 09-10-2015 16:22

  • says :
    Beautifully written my dear Bindu. Yes the Conclave was worthwhile and most importantly I am very fortunate to meet a most valuable person like you and I would like to thank you very much for sharing about Tunza Eco-generation. The two days 29th and 30th september is the most valuable part of my life. Thank you and I will be updating soon as for now I am having exam.
    Posted 09-10-2015 16:00

  • says :
    Congratulation dear Bhindu for being selected to attend South Asia Youth Environment Conclave 2015. It is a great experience though. You must feel so honored :)
    Posted 09-10-2015 15:20

  • says :
    Good one
    Posted 09-10-2015 07:14

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