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Arts: A Way to Promote Conservation

by | 09-10-2015 15:10 recommendations 0

WWF-Indonesia celebrated their 53rd anniversary on last September. A special event was held for the special day. It is not just about celebration but we put education and arts on it. Then, WWF-Indonesia contacted me, Earth Hour Denpasar, Turtle Guide, and student representative of Indonesia Arts Institute to help organizing special event for the anniversary. We chose Turtle Education and Conservation as place for the event and invited 40 students from local primary school and junior high schools. The theme was ?Wear It Wild? focused on species conservation. We tried to make the event as fun and educative as possible for the students. Therefore, we made it as arts performance and competition. There were dance performance, face painting and bag painting competition.


It started at 9.00 am by dance performances from local students. The first dance was Merak Angelo performed by five students telling about the beauty of green peafowl, one of endangered bird in Indonesia. Then, it was continued by Cendrawasih dance performed by two students. The dance is Balinese dance illustrating about the beauty about Cendrawasih, bird of paradise. This bird is protected species and found only east part of Indonesia. By seeing these two dances, the students realize that protection of these birds is urgently needed otherwise we only see them in history book.


The face panting was held along the event. The student representative of Indonesia Arts Institute helped us with the painting. They drew sea creatures on our face. I got dolphin and sea star on my cheek. Almost everyone who attended the event got their face done with many kinds of sea creatures painting.


Bag painting competition was aimed to channel student creativity. Blank shopping bag was given the students and then they were free to express their feeling and opinion about marine conservation in the bag. Their paintings were so beautiful. I got impressed since they knew really well about marine conservation. They can take this bag home and bring it when they do shopping to reduce plastic bag usage.  Three best paintings got merchandise from WWF-Indonesia. Just after this competition, the turtle Guide help us to educate the students about turtle conservation. For your information, turtle is critically endangered since many people in Indonesia still consume their meat they get it in illegal market. 



". . .if we are going to have a new connection to the environment it will have to happen in individual hearts and souls . . . the artist can help us fall in love with the earth again." - Berensohn 2002. Educating students about conservation the form of arts really offer a way to make an emotional connection to people. The visual and performing arts help us and other conservation practitioners reach our new audiences, such as students. So, arts could be a very good approach to spread awareness about environment. 

Me and other volunteers Painting competition Presentation from Turtle GuideMe and the students  Students painted the shopping bagCendrawasih DanceMerak Angelo Dance

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  • says :
    Great way to promote environment preservation to young children. Works that you performed were so wonderful. Thanks for your activity and article as well, Ni Putu Wulan Romianingsih. By the way, the students are so cute.. :)
    Posted 11-10-2015 15:59

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I strongly believe on art's power towards environmental awareness!!! What a great job. Keep the green spirit!!! =D
    Posted 11-10-2015 00:16

  • says :
    Great, always happy seeing the coming generation already taking the lead in knowing things like this.
    Looking forth to more of this all over the world.
    We're the voice, we're the oracle, we determine how the next generation strive in this environment, we have to pass it across to them. The environment is our heritage

    Posted 10-10-2015 07:39

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What an amazingly creative way to promote environment and species conservation. I really loved the idea and the way this activity was conducted.Through face painting , reuseable bag painting , this activity promoted the use of reuse-able (NO PLASTIC) bags , spread the awareness of plastic menace & encouraged children to think about and appreciate sea creatures.You are right -visual and performing art is the best way to convey such strong message deep down to hearts and souls.
    Thanks for sharing an inspiring report with lovely pictures. Girls are looking so cute while dancing.
    Posted 10-10-2015 06:28

  • says :
    These activities are a great way to promote conservation of environment and its creatures.Well reported with beautiful pictures.
    Posted 10-10-2015 04:30

  • says :
    Wow! so happy to see you pronounced eco- leadership dear Ni :)
    Celebrating 53rd Anniversary of WWF with fun filled creative arts event sounds amazing. I loved the picture with different colourful face paints.
    Thank you for sharing dear Ni :)
    Posted 09-10-2015 21:39

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well conducted Ni Putu & your team. The reusable bags are really apinted very vividly by the children. These events help to raise awareness about marine conservation/
    Posted 09-10-2015 19:47

  • says :
    Wow, the painting and dancing to save birds is very good idea. Thank you for sharing
    Posted 09-10-2015 19:05

  • says :
    This is the most amazing idea to create awareness on the conservation of Biodiversity. Especially I really like the bird dance performance of 'Paradise bird' to show importance of saving precious one. As you rightly mention because of the climate change many species are seen only in History Book. Thank you for sharing and It will be nice if you could share the real pictures of 'paradise bird'
    Posted 09-10-2015 16:06

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