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Nyasa Eco-Drive

by Rohan Kapur | 10-10-2015 14:15 recommendations 0

Imagine saving the fuel just by installing a simple device in the Fuel tank [Diesel or Petrol] of your vehicle.

Nyasa Technologies UK have developed a simple device which is fitted in the fuel tank. The device helps to create a definite change in the molecular accumulation of the fuel [Diesel or Petrol] from large clusters to smaller clusters or even single molecules by breaking down the 'Van der Waals force' between the fuel molecules.

The smaller fuel molecules expose a larger surface area for improved contact with oxygen which produces a better combustion reaction, in turn allowing greater fuel efficiency.

The fuel is, therefore, able to provide an improvement of the fuel efficiency as a result of this process

On a typical 80 Liters tank a 14.3% fuel savings have been certified by TUV Rheinland Group & by SGS the certification is for 10.9% of fuel under similar conditions.

This device is available for all types & sizes of commercial as well as private vehicles. It looks like a common Flash drive. It is chrome, Metallic & perforated and the perforations contain small ceramic balls. These balls resonate when they get in touch with the fuel & then, subsequently, they break the bonds between the fuel molecules.

After getting the UAE government approval, these will be introduced in this country.

Fossil fuel consumption has increased tremendously & the demand is increasing day by day. While sustainable fuels are introduced & encouraged, still there penetration is not deep & still major chunk of vehicles use fossil fuels like Petrol & Diesel.


In such a scenario, such innovations are welcome as they help to reduce the consumption & thus contribute to less pollution in the atmosphere. I hope that such devices are introduced in other nations as well.

Source: The National, Nyasa Technologies UK Ltd.


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  • Dormant user Rohan Kapur
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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Anagha, Thanks, Aptly commented. If the availability is ensured to the masses, the savings will be tremendous.
    Posted 17-10-2015 12:34

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Harmanjot, Thanks, This will indeed provide the valuable saving.

    Posted 17-10-2015 12:32

  • says :
    It is indeed necessary that such products are made available to every country and every individual worldwide so that they can contribute their part towards sustainable development and reduction in the consumption of fuel.
    Thanks for the extremely informative article!
    Posted 13-10-2015 20:24

  • says :
    This technology will indeed help us to save a valuable resource.Thanks for reporting Rohan.
    Posted 13-10-2015 04:50

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Arushi, Thanks. I'm also excited for its launch here in UAE.
    Posted 11-10-2015 17:17

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @ChaeYun, Thanks. Indeed it provides high fuel efficiency.
    Posted 11-10-2015 17:16

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Dewi, Thanks, Yes! I hope it sells all over the world.
    Posted 11-10-2015 17:15

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @ Luiz, Thanks, Indeed great tech. & practically useful too.
    Posted 11-10-2015 17:14

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @ Manav, Thanks. It will be available in UAE after necessary clearances.
    Posted 11-10-2015 17:14

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing this innovative (fuel saver) device. Looking forward to it's launch / introduction in UAE.
    Posted 11-10-2015 16:28

  • says :
    Wow, it's interesting how they can generate high fuel efficacy. I haven't heard about it.
    Thanks for sharing such nice technology Rohan.
    Posted 11-10-2015 15:33

  • Dewi Retno S says :
    Hopefully, it can be selling all over the world soon. Thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 11-10-2015 10:51

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a great technology mate!!! Thanks a lot for introducing us! =)
    Posted 11-10-2015 01:48

  • says :
    Hopefully, such technology can be accessed by wider sections of society in the near future. Thanks for the report, Rohan.
    Posted 11-10-2015 00:43

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