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Palliative Care In Bangladesh

by | 11-10-2015 22:29 recommendations 0

Today I am sharing the information on Palliative care in Bangladesh. This Information was taken form Professor Dr. Nezamuddin Anmad, Professor in Palliative Medicine. It is more than 6 months, i am with him. And learning the actual meaning of 'Care'. 
Basically it is an interview I taken from the doctor. Let me share this to you.

10th October was the world hospice and Palliative Care day 2015. Every year the second Saturday of October month is dedicated to those people who are suffering from incurable diseases. It may these people will not get the cure ever but a quality death can be assured by the support of palliative care. Palliative care is the active total care for those people who are lost their hope of life. This care includes the four dimensional supports which are physical, mental, social and spiritual. 

This year the theme of world hospice and palliative care day is Hidden life, Hidden patient.

The concept of palliative care began in the sixteenth decade. According to WHO the number of people who need the palliative care is four crore but the care is ensured only for 16 percent of the number and remaining 86 percent are out of the care.  Regarding this situation, ?WHO? advised to include palliative care in the national healthcare system to its member countries on 24th of May 2014. Bangladesh is one of the member countries of this list.

Bangladesh had started practicing palliative care from 2005. As a continuing result Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University has established the centre for palliative care in 2011.  According to the advice of Health Ministry of Bangladesh centre for palliative care has done an audit in 2014 and got permission for the MD course in palliative care in 2015 for the necessity of knowledge of this care.

On 6th of Octobor?2015 The Economist has published a research work named ?Quality of Death Index? and Bangladesh has got the 79th place out of 80 palliative care practicing countries. The score was 14.1 out of 100, where United Kingdom placed the first position having 93.9 points. This indicates the need of development of this care in this region.

Palliative care is not only for the patients of cancer patients rather it includes the AIDS, stroke, asthma, cardiovascular problems, diabetics and all the disease which make the people suffer for long time. So according to the situation of this country and the need of this care, it is very important to stabilize the practice of palliative care.


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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report mate. I did not know about the palliative term. I wish all the best for that. =) Keep it up =D
    Posted 17-10-2015 12:18

  • says :
    Thank you Joshua :)
    Posted 15-10-2015 11:22

  • says :
    Bindu, Thank you to read this.
    I think so it should be stabilized in all Developing and undeveloped countries as well
    Posted 15-10-2015 11:22

  • says :
    You welcome
    Harmanjot :)
    Posted 15-10-2015 11:20

  • says :
    Thank you Raunak :)
    Posted 15-10-2015 11:20

  • says :
    Thank you too Christian to read this :)
    Posted 15-10-2015 11:20

  • says :
    You welcome UDEH :)
    Posted 15-10-2015 11:19

  • says :
    Thank you Arushi :)
    Posted 15-10-2015 11:19

  • says :
    Yeah !! I think so Rohan need more emphasis on this care :)
    Btw Thank you !!

    Posted 15-10-2015 11:18

  • says :
    Nice to read your interview
    Posted 14-10-2015 09:17

  • says :
    Wow! four dimensional supports -physical, mental, social and spiritual. I am so glad to know about Palliative care in Bangladesh and your time with Professor Dr. Nezamuddin Anmad.
    Thank you for sharing dear Fayshal, I hope this all round care flourishes in other regions as well :)
    Posted 13-10-2015 13:28

  • says :
    Thanks for reporting on palliative care in Bangladesh.
    Posted 13-10-2015 04:40

  • says :
    An appreciable step by Bangladesh, Well reported mate.
    Posted 12-10-2015 14:57

  • says :
    Thanks fro the brillian report of Pallative care of Bangladesh Fayshal
    Posted 12-10-2015 13:27

  • says :
    This is great and nice! Thanks for sharing

    Posted 12-10-2015 06:35

  • says :
    Thanks for that enlightening information.
    Posted 12-10-2015 06:06

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's nice that Bangladesh is one of the member countries having pallative care as part of their national heaath care system.I feel very touched and sad for such patients and wish many more countries include it as part of their national agenda to help patients with serious illnesses feel better and to give them quality life and peaceful death.Thanks for sharing, Fayshal.
    Posted 12-10-2015 03:55

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks for this informative report about palliative care in Bangladesh. More is required to be done indeed.
    I'm sure the ranking will improve in future.
    Posted 12-10-2015 03:04

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