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Living in Eco-Overdraft since 1970

by | 12-10-2015 14:46 recommendations 0

Dear Co-Ambassadors, you know very well that we have not been living sustainably on our Earth. Every year we overuse the natural renewable resources which the mother earth can renew in a year. If we start afresh each year on 01-Jan & calculate the mankind usage v/s. natural renewal on a daily basis than in 2015 on Aug 13 our usage exceeded the renewal capacity. It implies that mankind on our planet consumed all of the natural resources possible for the year in 8 Months & 13 Days. Then what we do in rest 3 Months & 18 Days. We use overdraft from nature.

This overdraft account is in place since 1970 i.e. over 45 years & is a very precarious situation. Mother Nature is doing its job diligently day after day, Sun rises & sets, Rain comes, sunshine comes but we greedy people overuse the facilities. It is our duty to give back to the nature so that it can regenerate its resources. It took millions of years for this beautiful planet to be built & the way we are destroying the eco-system it?ll take much lesser for complete extinction of natural resources.

A major Environmental conference named ?Ecocities conference? is being held in Abu Dhabi in order to focus on building cities that are as resource efficient as possible. How we should build for the future, is the hot question of the day.


The reasons of focus on the cities are:

     A major part of emission is generated by cities [60 to 80 percent of the total emission]     
    A major population lives in cities [ in UAE for example 90 percent of population lives in cities]  

Therefore, If we decide to change the planet, we need to change how we build & coexist in Urban areas.

Abu Dhabi & Dubai are rapidly working towards creating EcoCity. It?ll be city of the future with confluence of new technologies, unprecedented sharing of knowledge, faster processing and endless worldwide innovation. All of which has created a new wave in urban design. This was stated by Reem Al Hashimy, Minister of State and director general of EXPO 2020 Dubai Bureau.

She further assured that EXPO 2020, of which Dubai is the Host City, will be the most sustainable, the world has ever seen. Each & every element from Tickets, Transport & Infrastructure, building process, cooling, water supply & waste management during Expo 2020 will be Eco-Friendly.

By creating such eco-friendly cities it will be possible to push the earth?s overshoot day further back into the year, until we reach a point where the earth is producing enough for our consumption. It is therefore clear that if we are to push Earth Overshoot Day back into September, October, and then keep going until we no longer have an overshoot day, cities must be at the heart of the solution.

   For more reference reading please visit: http://www.ecocitybuilders.org/what-we-do/intl-conference-series/abu-dhabi-2015/  


Source: The National


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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Very well reported & aptly pointed out the reality, Raunak.
    These summits & conferences are indeed eye-opener & show us a path for the sustainable future
    Posted 19-10-2015 13:07

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for sharing with us about the event mate! Great report with great saying as well. Keep it up and working green =)
    Posted 17-10-2015 12:09

  • says :
    It is estimated that we will need twice the size of planet earth to survive in 2030 - that is just 15 years away. If we do not achieve the sustainable developmental goals, then the earth might eventually die by 2050. We need climate action and sustainable development now!
    Posted 14-10-2015 09:12

  • says :
    Eco cities are really useful and important to maintain the balance between the need for and utilization of resources. Thanks, Raunak for the article and the informative link!
    Posted 13-10-2015 20:16

  • says :
    I hope the Eco- city world summit was well organized :)
    I double agree that we should work together for sustainable future so that we no longer use overdraft from Nature.
    Thank you for sharing dear Raunak :)
    Posted 13-10-2015 15:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    You are right , Raunak , we are exploiting and over-consuming the resources and putting tremendous pressure on this planet Earth. People don't understand that there is only one planet to live and there are 7 billion people , it is sensible to use resources judiciously and consume only what we need. We are fortunate to live in place like UAE where there is so much emphasis on sustainability and green living.
    It's really nice that Dubai Govt is planning to have the most sustainable ever Expo 2020. Looking forward to 2020.
    In the current scenraio where global warming and climate change has become a serious challenge , it's is crucial to have eco cities and we are glad that UAE is promoting the concept of eco cities.
    Thanks for reporting.
    Posted 13-10-2015 13:03

  • says :
    Thanks for telling us about the Ecocity World Summit.Yes,I agree,we overuse the resources to the extent that our planet cannot sustain our demands any longer.Glad to see that Dubai And Abu Dhabi are moving towards becoming an ECO CITY.
    Posted 13-10-2015 04:43

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