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Ministry of Environment & Water in UAE launches initiative to reduce food waste by Simran Vedvyas

by Simran Vedvyas | 20-10-2015 00:57 recommendations 0

Ministry of Environment & Water in UAE launches initiative to reduce food waste

World Food Day has been celebrated globally on October 16 since its launch by the FAO. Many other organizations concerned with food security, including the World Food Program, also commemorate this day. This global initiative aims to highlight the role of family agriculture in reducing hunger and poverty, providing food security and healthy nutrition, improving livelihoods, and natural resource management and protection in order to achieve sustainable development, especially in rural areas.

The Ministry of Environment and Water has announced the launch of

I MPERFECT, a national campaign to reduce food waste and increase food surplus in Dubai.  Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty this aims to bring all key stakeholders together within a collective framework to encourage the use of imperfect fruits and vegetables with the objective of reducing food loss at the source level, i.e., farms.

The campaign targets the government sector, farmers, society, retail centers, food production and sales companies, schools, and industry-related SMEs. It aims to support local food projects and educate the public about the importance of reducing the loss and waste of consumable food by raising awareness among farmers about the significance of harvesting imperfect fruits and vegetables and marketing them in retail stores. It also encourages the exchange of expertise and knowledge on means to reduce food waste and proper recycling.

The  campaign is organized to focus on the national commitment to reduce food waste. It aims to gather all relevant stakeholders within one framework to address this phenomenon as part of the social responsibility of these parties and at the same time, develop a strategic solution to create a smart business environment that is suitable for growth and development. It is likely that companies, which exercise the best strategies to reduce waste, will get more opportunities to gain access to these limited resources in the future, given its commitment to sustainable and responsible use.

* Information Credit Link : http://www.totaluae.com/news/ministry-of-environment-water-launches-initiative-to-reduce-food-waste/

I M perfect

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  • Dormant user Simran Vedvyas
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  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thanks Rajashree for your comments
    Posted 14-11-2015 01:54

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing Simran
    Posted 09-11-2015 21:35

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Food waste is a serious problem in a lot of places around the world. We can not allow that. Thanks for sharing!!
    Posted 24-10-2015 09:20

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thanks for your comments Harmanjot
    Posted 24-10-2015 07:14

  • says :
    A very good step.Many regions of the world are facing food insecurity.In such scenario,it becomes important to stop food wastage.Thanks for reporting.
    Posted 23-10-2015 16:38

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well reported, Simran. Food waste is money waste & in UAE its so much common to see wastage of food in mall food courts & in restaurants.
    Appreciable step by the ministry.
    Posted 21-10-2015 18:22

  • says :
    Wow! So glad to hear the I M PERFECT campaign by The Ministry of Environment and Water to reduce food wastage at the source level.
    Like Arushi sister said, food wastage is a crime and together we can insure food security by reducing food wastage.
    Thank you for sharing dear Simran :)
    Posted 21-10-2015 11:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Food wastage is like a crime and all nations should promote reducing food wastage with campaigns like this. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 20-10-2015 18:11

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