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Forest Clean-up

by | 18-10-2015 23:16 recommendations 0

About a week ago, Green Team Indonesia did a Forest Clean-up at Mount. Melingkuh, Baturiti village, Bedugul, Bali, Indonesia. Green Team Indonesia is a community made for all ages and for people all around the world. We have members that has started joining even when they were three years old. We do lots of activities, this time it?s Forest Clean-up. This trip is supported by Tunza Eco-generation by letting us use their banner so that other people would join us.

Each year, Green Team Indonesia goes camping. This year, it was held on the 10th till the 11th of October. 40 people joined this year?s camping, making it the biggest camping we?ve ever held. The reason why we go camping is because at times, we all need a break from all the pollution in the city, so our escape is the mountains. We have fun up there and still take care of our Mother Nature. I as the founder, with the help of our co-leader along with Green Team Indonesia?s president and vice-president, we make sure that all of the rubbish that came from food wrappings, cups, etc. are all thrown away in the rubbish bin and not thrown to the ground. 

On the 10th, we do lots of activities such as singing by the bonfire, roasting marshmallows, and just having fun with our friends. One of my favourite thing about camping is that it makes everyone closer to one another. It makes our friendship stronger and like what Green Team Indonesia?s motto says, ?Hand-in-hand, we can balance the world?. 

We sit out in the middle of the campsite and just laid down next to each other while watching the stars. The pollution level up here is low so the stars aren?t covered up with the smoke.  We traced up the constellations with our fingers and talked till late night. There was no signal out here so we didn?t touch our phones at all (which is very good). 

On the 11th, we go on our adventurous hike up Mount Melingkuh and started our Forest Clean-up. We are all separated into 5 different groups, each group given a sack to put the trash in and everyone is given gloves. On our hike up to the forest, we picked up trash that we saw on the trail and also in the forest. The amount of trash there was horrifying. All 5 sacks were full of trash and it broke my heart just looking at it. 

Why do we do Forest Clean-up?

It?s because this forest is a protected forest and is used as bike trails and hiking trails, sometimes even for events. People who come by doesn?t have a place to put their trash and they?re too lazy to keep it with them for a while more so they just drop it to the ground. What they don't realise is that this pollutes the surroundings and makes the forest look dirty. If it?s dirty, no one would want to go there anymore, then the forest will become unused so someone out there will find an idea into tearing that forest down and putting up a business there instead. 

So let?s keep our forests clean and conserve our forests. Don?t let our forests disappear just because we couldn?t throw rubbish in the right place.

picking up trash in the forestour group photo with the banner

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  • says :
    @Debby LG: Thank you so much! It's nice to take care of Mother Nature while being with your friends.
    Posted 30-11-2015 21:55

  • says :
    @Bindu Bhandari: Thank you so much Bindu! I'm proud of Green Team Indonesia for a job well done.
    Posted 30-11-2015 21:54

  • says :
    @Olamide Adegbola: Yes, and sadly, no authorities are doing anything about it. So we're here to make a change in that, but we can't do it everyday as we have school and it is too far away from town so it is an annual event for us. Hopefully this could change in the near future where it won't just be an annual event for us.
    Posted 30-11-2015 21:51

  • says :
    @Arushi Madan: What's even more sad is that they didn't think twice, they just disposed their waste without thinking about the long-term affect of it. Thank you so much for the comment!
    Posted 30-11-2015 21:47

  • says :
    @Luiz Bispo: Thank you so much, Luiz! A lot of the Green Team Indonesia members started from young.
    Posted 30-11-2015 21:44

  • says :
    How can i become an ambassador?
    Posted 25-10-2015 09:57

  • says :
    Well done !
    Posted 25-10-2015 00:14

  • says :
    Great initiative Patricia, Keep moving.
    Posted 24-10-2015 20:50

  • says :
    Nice work glad to hear that keep going.....
    Posted 23-10-2015 21:14

  • says :
    Good job Patricia.This is a very good initiative to help the environment.Well done!
    Posted 23-10-2015 16:36

  • says :
    it's a good idea good lock for the next .
    Posted 22-10-2015 06:16

  • says :
    Good work done .
    Thanks for the report.

    Posted 22-10-2015 02:39

  • says :
    You have executed a Great job, Patricia! Keep it up.
    Posted 21-10-2015 15:28

  • says :
    good work
    this is really cool
    Posted 20-10-2015 21:03

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Great job, Patricia! :D
    Posted 20-10-2015 15:14

  • says :
    It is really good to see you engaged in such an important activity as forest cleaning! I had not thought of that but you are absolutely right: if people stop visiting a forest, then they become less connected with it, and it becomes much easier for one to tear it up. Let's keep connection with our natural environment!
    Posted 20-10-2015 04:18

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Excellent Effort, Patricia & your team. The clean up activity must act as a reminder to those who dispose irresponsibly & they must not do it again so that when you go next time you find the forest all natural & without trash.
    Well done, Pics are great.
    Posted 19-10-2015 12:44

  • says :
    A nice way to enjoy as well as conserving our Mother Nature, Patricia. Well done with Green Team Indonesia.
    Posted 19-10-2015 12:36

  • says :
    Dear Patricia. I felt so happy to see you dressed in T- shirt of Eco- generation :)
    Hats off to the Green team Indonesia for Forest clean up event, Keep doing keep posting dear :)
    Posted 19-10-2015 11:20

  • says :
    Nice one! I must commend. The sad thing is o the waste disposed are not biodegradable which is not good for the environment.
    Posted 19-10-2015 07:54

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's really sad that people dispose their waste so ir-responsible and carelessly without caring for the environment. Glad that you and your group did the clean -up. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 19-10-2015 03:26

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a great iniciative! I proud of you. It is sad that people throw garbage in nature. Actions like that can educate new generation and start to make a better environment. Thanks for sharing!!! =D Keep doing!
    Posted 18-10-2015 23:46

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