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5 days in a village

by | 18-10-2015 16:12 recommendations 0

My school took us to a 5-day village trip. We were travelling by bus and so, were exposed to all the dirt and dust coming our way. One can't really imagine how polluted the surroundings looked until they get a first-hand experience. Even after  we shut all the windows, the atmosphere outside was horrible. No one would like to breathe in such polluted air but, we're helpless and have got used to it. Patna is the second-most polluted city of India, just after the capital New Delhi. 
When we reached the village, I couldn't help but notice the calmness and the pollution-free environment. Far from the noises and honks of vehicles, the city lights, mobile phones, internet, life was so relaxing. At night, I could clearly make out the stars and constellations, tanks to the absence of dust floating in the air.
Now that I've returned to Patna after spending 5 days around fresh air, green environment, clear night sky, I think pollution-free environment is more alluring than high-rise buildings and Wi-Fi.


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  • says :
    After reading this report I thought vilage life better than town life.
    Posted 23-10-2015 21:24

  • says :
    I'll try to share some photos :)
    Posted 20-10-2015 13:47

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I can feel your joy Yagya. Those 5 days must be most peaceful & green for you.
    If you share some pics of your visit it'll be great.
    Thanks for the post.
    Posted 19-10-2015 12:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yeah , I can relate to you /your feelings as I have also observed the same calm , green and soothing feeling while being in village during my vacation. I wish cities had same greenery and peace like that in village. Village residents are simple minded and consume what they need, they live a sustainable life whereas in cities residents are greedy, over consume, exploit the resources, cut trees to make malls, hotels etc and during that process they kill the natural beauty and greenery of the city. Sustainable development is therefore essential. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 19-10-2015 03:24

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I can imagine your story Yagya. That is bad. =( We need to solve it and the best way is educating the new generation! =D
    Posted 18-10-2015 23:43

  • says :
    Yes I agree,the serenity,calmness and pollution free environment of village is amazing.But we have caused the pollution in cities and we must fix this problem.Hope you enjoyed your trip.Thanks for reporting.
    Posted 18-10-2015 21:58

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