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Need of Dynamic Curriculum and Greenovations

by | 30-10-2015 04:55 recommendations 0

Green Morning everyone, don't be uncomfortable if I said Green Morning because it's my love and devotion to our mother Earth. 

Let me introduce myself, I'm Balraj Arpit, Founder & President of Green Youth Generation joined TUNZA Eco-Generation first time in August 2011 and since then I love working with TUNZA Eco-Generation.

This is my first post because I was busy in my academics and other projects. I've completed few projects and post about them in my next posts. I've so many things to share that inspire and drive social positive change. 

My question is, why our curriculum is not so dynamic which could help us to pursue our dreams?

Education, is becoming critical issues of the country. The system that has been made are seems to be outdated. The way technology has evolved, interest of a child is growing from childhood. Today?s child wanted to be, in what they are interested. But due to education system of the country, literacy rates are increasing but not employment rate. I did gone through a research and founded that in India, literacy rate increases from 12% during British rule to 25% in 2012 with an employment rate of 3.5, 3.5 and 3.6 in years 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively.

I was thinking that how we can design a curriculum that could help every child to pursue their dream from childhood. Why not creating a dynamic curriculum? I believe, some subjects are important but not every subject is important to one student. Rather engaging a child in so many things, why not to engage them in what they are interested. This will help them in mastering those interest.

Let?s see this in context of Eco-Leadership. The way, global warming taking its shape and sustainability is becoming more important than it was before. The world need eco-heroes who could lead the billions toward sustainability. Our technology can be more sustainable that it?s now.

Just look all around, the PC/Laptop on which you?re reading this article was invented when someone thought about it, and everything else like chair, table, pen, books, etc. are the inventions. What if the inventors would thought that there would be a PC that is sustainable and made up of eco-friendly materials so that when somebody dump it, it could not create huge amount of e-waste.

If students in a classroom are asked their interest and curriculums are designed based on their interest, then think you and I would probably would not needed a master degree because we were already mastering our interest from childhood.

I urge, everyone who?re reading this add few points that are coming to their mind. Let?s raise a voice for DYNAMIC CURRICULUM. Let's create an ecosystem of greenovations. 

Dynamic Curriculum

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  • says :
    Thanks to everyone for supporting my views and adding your views into it. I'm Computer Science guy and building tools to change education system.
    Posted 04-11-2015 19:11

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    While we await the reports of your completed projects, this is good thought provoking idea. Education & employment must be co-related as we see many highly educated people unemployed.
    We are too young to advise the big think tanks to change them overnight but interactive & creative education in the need of the day.
    Very rigthly reported, Balraj.
    Posted 31-10-2015 13:26

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Triple agree. Well saying mate!!! Amazing report. Here is Brazil the curriculum is not so flexible and we need to adapt. I studied in Australia throgh a scholarship program for a while and realized that their education system is a bit more opened to new ideas and less traditional than Brazil. Indeed, if we filter a curriculum by interests, we could become master since child. Great one. i liked it. =)
    Posted 31-10-2015 01:45

  • says :
    Dear Balraj, I double agree with your insights. Our education curriculum is outdated and there is need for versatility in education system. Especially in developing countries the situation is even worst. Parents have a wrong concept giving higher priority for one subject than other eg- Science or maths. But infact it is necessary one enjoys learning so letting one choose the subject matter of his/her interest is crucial.
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 30-10-2015 15:17

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I completely agree with you, Balraj. Our education system is outdated and needs to be upgraded. Curriculum should be dynamic enough to match the needs of learners to a world that is changing with great rapidity. Curriculum should not only focus on the tools necessary to develop reasoned and logical construction of new knowledge in our various fields of study, but also should aggressively cultivate a culture that nurtures creativity in learners.Most important ,as you pointed , it should be in line with the interest areas of learners rather than old history etc which is useless in day to day life.
    Posted 30-10-2015 11:01

  • says :
    I love poetry and literature but stuck in academic
    Posted 30-10-2015 10:01

  • says :
    Posted 30-10-2015 10:01

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