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Models of Agriculture: Terrace farming

by | 30-10-2015 07:09 recommendations 0

Around the world, there are many methods of sustainable agriculture to maximise food production and avoid damage to environment. Terrace farming is one of them, and has been practiced for hundred of years in different regions of the world for effective arable farming. 

Terrace farming as practiced from time immemorial by native peoples in the Andes mountains contributes to food security as a strategy of adaptation in an environment where the geography and other conditions make the production of nutritional foods a complex undertaking.

This ancient prehispanic technique, still practiced in vast areas of the Andes highlands, including Chile, "is very important from the point of view of adaptation to the climate and the ecosystem," said Fabiola Aranguiz.

"By using terraces, water, which is increasingly scarce in the northern part of the country, is utilised in a more efficient manner," Aranguiz, a junior professional officer on family farming with the United Nations FAO, told IPS from the agency's regional headquarters in Santiago, some 1,400 km south of the town of Caspana in Chile's Atacama desert.

In this country's Andes highands, terrace farming has mainly been practiced by the Atacameno and Quechua indigenous peoples, who have inhabited the Atacama desert in the north for around 9,000 years.

Principally living in oases, gorges and valleys of Alto Loa, in the region of Lima, these peoples learned about terrace farming from the Inca, who taught them how to make the best use of scant water resources to grow food on the limited fertile land at such high altitudes - Global Issues Report 

We have vast arrays of information available. We have a lot of models around the world that could aid us to adopt sustainable practices. The challenge is to ensure we embrace sustainability as a lifestyle at the earliest. Only then can we survive and thrive. 


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  • says :
    Terrace farming is famous specially in hilly regions and great practice. As said by others it is practiced in Nepal as it being a hilly nation.
    Good insight into the topic.
    Posted 01-11-2015 01:13

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I agree Fahad, On my visit to hillsides in India I see beautiful formations of 'Terrace Farming' this is very good Effective use of land & good practice of sustainability as well.
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 31-10-2015 13:30

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Great report mate. Thanks for introducing about teerace farming!!! A great way for agriculture in declined areas.
    Posted 31-10-2015 01:33

  • says :
    Terrace farming is one of the best way of farming in the steep terrain.THis method doesnt only makes farming easier but helps in soil conservation and makes it sustainable.As Bindu dii said ,it's abundantly practiced in hilly regions of Nepal and my family is one of them.Thanks for sharing Fahad. :)
    Posted 30-10-2015 19:09

  • says :
    Dear Fahad, Terrace farming is quite popular in Nepal too. Especially in the hilly areas almost every cultivation is terrace farming based. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best way to farm at higher slopy altitude with scanty rainfall and prevent landslides as well. Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 30-10-2015 14:58

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Terrace farming is indeed one of the most sustainable form of agriculture as it conserves soil and water and permits more intensive cropping. Thanks for an informative report, Fahad.
    Posted 30-10-2015 11:13

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