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Awareness is the key point for GHG reduction

by | 01-11-2015 08:12 recommendations 0

    The Green House Gases (GHG) have increased considerably in comparison with those of the pre-industrial time (year 1750). Indicatively, since 1750, CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by 41% while methane has increased by a shocking 160%.It should be noted that each gas contributes at a different extent to the Greenhouse.

    The increase in the amount of greenhouse gasses (mainly by human factors) leads to the overheating of Earth, with important consequences to the ecosystem and therefore the life of us, people. The problem is that the increase in CO2 concentration is increasing as time passes. Indicatively, in 1750 the concentration of CO2 was 280ppm (parts per million). In 1973 (223 years) this amount had increased by 50ppm, while from 1973 to 2006 (33 years) it increased by another 50ppm!

    "Mankind is changing the climate," Professor Sir David King, Britain's chief scientific adviser told the BBC earlier this year.Another 100 ppm increase in CO2 concentration could boost global temperatures an average of two to four or five degrees higher."Three degrees Celsius higher and we don't know if ecosystems can cope. At four degrees, we'll be in big trouble," says Andreas Hamann, a forestry expert at the University of Alberta, Canada.

    The EU, in 2009, took measures to encounter the greenhouse effect, ensure security of energy supply and increase the energy efficiency. These measures were called 20-20-20 (20% reduction of CO2 emissions, 20% of energy consumption expected to come from renewable energy sources (RES) and 20%, reduction in primary energy use has to be achieved by improving energy efficiency) until 2020, in comparison with the relevant data from 1990.
    The way to meet these energy and climate targets is given by renewable heating and cooling (RHC) technologies: solar thermal, biomass, geothermal, district heating & cooling (DHC), heat pumps, hybrid systems and thermal energy storage.However, many people consider these measures very conservative.

    As a result, new and more ambitious goals have been set for 2030: 40% reduction of GHG emissions, 27% increase in RES (renewable energy sources) and 27% reduction in primary energy use by improving energy efficiency.

    The EU decided that these percentages should concern each member separately. But, these goals are simply indications and are not mandatory for every member.

    According to WWF and other environmental organizations, the new targets are inadequate to address the phenomenon of climate change.

    Greece is one of the countries that are worst affected by climate change (forest fires, heat waves, drought, decrease in water resources, agriculture, touristm, etc.). Unfortunately, while the government says it will fight this problem, not much is done in this direction.

    Additionally, while the Greek government states that it supports the mandatory application of the above policies, it ended up voting for more "loose" policies.
    At the same time, the government voted for the construction of the new energy production factory, based on the very polluting lignite instead of pushing development using RES. Lignite power generation in Greece is the largest single source of GHG emissions accounting for ~35%.

    The financial crises in Greece, but also the general economic downturn in many Europe countries has been used as an important argument in lowering the policies for the protection of the environment, which, among others, will be a burden itself against the efforts to reduce GHG emissions.

    As long as global warming appears to be a future risk, and is not expressed convincingly as a problem in our everyday lives, there is a serious likelihood that it will be underestimated. If that happens, it might be too late for the consequences to be encountered properly.

    In this very important environmental problem, the solution is awareness, and Tunza Eco-generation is an important effort in this.

EU energy consumptionTe Greenhouse effect

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  • says :
    Double agreed with your view dear Konstantinos. Thank you so much for the rich source of information on this subject. I don't even know if it's right to have many children as I am not sure about our 50 yrs later.
    Posted 02-11-2015 13:43

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Yes, Awareness is foremost campaign we need to do. But it doesn't only work. We need to go on ground and solve the issues at right time which helps either in mitigation or adaptation.
    Posted 01-11-2015 21:40

  • says :
    Yes I do agree with Konstantinos and all those who commented on this report because Awareness about global warming and other threats to the earth is really essential.Then only humans will realize about their participation in harming the earth and i guess this awareness can be created through this wonderful forum - TUNZA ECO GENERATION and also through campaigns,seminars,parades etc.Keep sharing such inspiring reports , Konstantinos!!!!
    Posted 01-11-2015 21:16

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Good report, Konstantinos. Awareness is there & this is the time to show commitment. May be developed nations can help to put the infrastructure is place.
    Green efforts pay by itself in the long run but the initial costs & infrastructure is heavy.
    I hope we realize that We are already staring at big issue of Global warming. Ensuing years are very crucial, they can make it or break it.
    Posted 01-11-2015 20:09

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    You are righ mate. Awareness is crucial and we can get it and provide to others through education. =) Keep sharing! =)
    Posted 01-11-2015 09:08

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I fully agree with you that awareness play a key role in fighting such a serious threat of 'Global warming'. Many people still believe that it is hyped or is a myth and won't impact them and their lives. By awareness programs and campaigns , people have to be made aware and convinced that Global warmig is real, increasing challenge to face and if not tackled will impact each and everyone in this eco-system. Thanks for sharing, Konstantinos.
    Posted 01-11-2015 08:57

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