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Mitigating Climate Change in Indonesia

by | 01-11-2015 22:57 recommendations 0

Talking about climate change always leads us to planning something big when in reality, we can do small things to mitigate climate change. In my family, we collect our 'rubbish' and sort them out into their groups. Why did I put rubbish in quotation marks? Well it's because it's not rubbish that we can't use again, it's rubbish that could be recycled. This is one of the ways my region mitigates climate change. 

After sorting out the rubbish into their groups, we call the 'bapak rombeng' (recycle man). He comes to my house and brings the rubbish with him. He gives us money for each kilogram worth of rubbish. He then brings it to the recycling place, each material to different places. For example, plastic to its own factory to be recycled into plastic seeds so that it could be made into other plastic objects. 

Other than the bapak rombeng, we also have 'bank sampah' which is a bank where you can deposit rubbish and receive money from each kilogram. However, this isn't about the money, but this is the small things we could do to mitigate climate change at home. 

Climate change is a very serious topic as it may destroy the natural habitats of a lot of living things. We, without a doubt, are also affected by climate change. The rapid increase in temperature, drought, etc. but together, we can help save the world. Doing Big things for the environment is good but it does take a lot of time. What I do doesn't take that much time and it is also profitable. I believe that if I can do it, everyone else can too. So let's make a difference, small things matter.
source of photo: waspada.co.id

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  • says :
    @Sakshi Ghildiyal: Thank you so much. Yes, start small and make a big difference
    Posted 02-12-2015 13:40

  • says :
    Dear Patricia, yeah for sure small things make a difference. Much happy to know your family practices principles of waste segregation as well. Thank you for sharing your insights :)
    Posted 03-11-2015 20:43

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks so much for the report. Recycling is a bery important technology to be applied in every society. =)
    Posted 03-11-2015 12:14

  • says :
    It is a really interesting report and i like the concept 'bank sampah' as it is very innovative .Thanks Patricia for all the wonderful information you have provided us and keep up the good work!!!!
    Posted 03-11-2015 02:30

  • Arushi Madan says :
    'Bank sampah' is such an interesting concept , Thanks for sharing, Patricia. You are absolutely right that we don't have to think and plan big to support mitigating climate change. We can adopt eco friendly lifestyle, can pick eco-friendlier option for our every action and hence can support environment protection. Waste segregation at our homes, giving for recycling, saving energy at home by not wasting it, reducing the wastage are all small things which we can do in our daily lives and can still contribute towards battling climate change.
    Posted 02-11-2015 20:12

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Selling the recyclables is an excellent idea. Unfortunately in UAE it is not done, but I'm glad that you found a way to recycle & getting some money as well. Its' a win-win situation.
    Anyway the method does not matter, The result matters. The Land fills are saved, the job is well done!
    Posted 02-11-2015 18:39

  • says :
    I could get to know the new Indonesian word 'bapak rombeng' :) Interesting.
    Calling the recycle man may feel bothersome but it gives multiple benefits both environmentally and economically.
    Posted 02-11-2015 11:43

  • says :
    A small effort can create big difference great report
    Posted 02-11-2015 08:42

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