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Signature Campaigns, Conferences and Clean-Up Drive

by Jayson Villeza | 02-11-2015 20:05 recommendations 0

I was a volunteer of the Global Catholic Climate Movement for a while in which we ask for people to pledge in the fight to Climate Change. The signatures will be sent to the COP21 in the hopes of making an impact to the world leaders. We collect signatures through the help of priests and lay people. I was able to gather personally in the Binondo Church after their parish priest signed the pledge himself. The signature campaign was also in line with the release of the encyclical "Laudato Si" of Pope Francis. The campaign is still ongoing on both online and offline platform.

Signature Campaign at Binondo Church
Signature Campaign at Binondo Church on August 30, 2015

I was able to meet A.G. Saño, the brother of Yeb Saño, during the launch of Season of Creation on the Archdiocese of Manila last September 1 as the climate walkers were guests in that event. Season of Creation is month-long event which intends to raise awareness that it is our moral obligation to protect the planet. A.G. told me of his experiences in his journeys. Both are now on their way to Paris through the People's Pilgrimage. They are my inspiration for a better future for our planet. The walk that they are doing started here in the Philippines after typhoon Haiyan struck in November 2013.

Presentation on Laudato Si
A short presentation showing how Anthropogenic Activities destroy our lives and our environment.

Season of Creation Exhibit
Season of Creation Exhibit

Kuya AG
Me with Kuya (Older Brother) A.G. Saño.

A lot of efforts are being done to mitigate Climate Change here in the Philippines. I participated last September 19 in a Clean-up Drive in Laguna Bay. It was organized by the Save the Laguna Lake Movement. Many groups both from the government and the private sector joined the drive. Students also helped in this event. The clean-up was also part of a bigger movement as it was also International Clean-up Drive that day. The Mayor of our City also came to take a look of the event. After the clean-up, I went to the Ocean's Festival with the theme "Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet" in Pasay City organized by Greenpeace Philippines. The students from UP Manila let me ride their service as they will pass by that place. The Festival was a celebration for the protection of our oceans. There was an exhibit showing various marine life and the efforts of Greenpeace to safeguard them. There were bands who serenaded us with music inspired by nature. Also, it was an awareness campaign as to what is the present status of our oceans and what we can do to help in their conservation and preservation.

Clean-up Drive
Clean-up drive at the Lakeside of Laguna Lake.

A band performing at the Ocean's Festival.

I was able to attend an event hosted by the Embassy of France in Manila (Ambafrance Manille) entitled COP21: The Road to Paris Starts in Manila during the climate week here in the Philippines. Climate Week started on October 5 and ended on October 11. I attended the conference 1, 2 (October 5) and 3 (October 6). Conference 1: COP21 – Expectations, Challenges, and Opportunities discussed what will be happening on the climate conference. Conference 2: Climate Justice showed the impacts of climate change to the community and the experiences of people who survived. Both were held at the Ateneo Professional Schools in Makati City on October 5. Conference 3: The Conservation of Culture and Heritage in the Context of Climate Change explained the effects of climate change in the lives of indigenous people and our cultural heritage. This was held at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila City on October 6, It is a week-long series of conferences, seminars, exhibits and other events organized by different groups and institutions. 

C2 Climate Justice
Conference 2: Climate Justice

Another signature campaign was recently launched on October 5 with Mr. Jose Sixto Brillantes, the Commissioner-at-Large of the National Youth Commission, to formally open the campaign. It is the "#nowph" which is made possible by One Million Filipino Youth Campaign supported by Greeneration Philippines. It seeks to unite the Filipino Youth for the COP 21 to prevent global warming from reaching two degrees Celsius and to raise public awareness public consciousness on the science of climate change and on ways to lead a climate-resilient and 
climate-smart lifestyle. - www.nowph.org

*All photos are owned by the author of the post.

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  • Dormant user Jayson Villeza
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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Jayson your report is very good & pics are very vivid. Your participation in Clean-up Drive in Laguna Bay is worth praise & nice to know about efforts of Philippines to mitigate the climate change
    Posted 03-11-2015 20:48

  • says :
    Wow! so glad to see your efforts in campaigns for climate change. Much glad to know that Philippines is much aware to fight climate change.
    Thank you for sharing the details with the beautiful pictures of campaigns :)
    Posted 03-11-2015 20:21

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    You did a grea job mate!!! I am proud of you. Keep up the green spirit! =)
    Posted 03-11-2015 12:06

  • says :
    Very interesting your labor, really is very important that the countries will do many iniciatives for change the impacts to the planet.....thahks for tell your experience..
    Posted 03-11-2015 07:15

  • says :
    Wow!Good Job. I am Happy to hear that students all over the world take effort in mitigating climate change-a major threat to our earth.Making awareness proves that you do care and love for the mother earth and make others too aware about the global environmental challenges we are facing today.Good report and Keep It Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted 03-11-2015 02:00

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing details about actions being taken to mitigate Climate Change in the Philippines. Signature campaign is a good way to involve many more people for a common cause 'Fighting Climate Change'. Campaigns like these also spread positive awareness and send a strong voice of public to the decision makers like global leaders.
    Posted 03-11-2015 01:02

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