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by | 03-11-2015 08:10 recommendations 0


As part of strengthening environmental education and youth participation, Colombia participated in the Latin American meeting of youth and environment held from 21 to 23 October 2015 in Mexico City, which was attended by many countries in Central and South American, a space in which experience and knowledge from each country were exchanged, it was also a time of reflection and youth participation on issues such as:

 • Water and Climate Change,

• Biodiversity and Climate Change

• Local development in protected natural areas.

 Through workshops and theoretical and practical dialogue between all proposals on the subject of climate change and the issues mentioned above, which will be articulated as part of proposals to participate in the COP 21 climate change were built, where different environmental organizations such as the route by weather, youth movement for water MOJA, Youth Environment Network, among others can participate and have an impact on the decisions made so that it can make a real commitment to the environment and assess immediate alternatives to the current problems that many countries are experiencing.

Participation and changes of exprienciesParticipation and changes of exprienciesParticipation and changes of exprienciesParticipation and changes of expriencies

Participation and changes of expriencies

On the issue of biodiversity, Colombia mention the different species and crowds of countries and natural spaces that make it rich in natural resources and one of the richest countries in biodiversity in the world, he spoke of the concept of urban biodiversity of how we can conserve nature from the city and how people and people can appropriate their territory. Similarly the various initiatives that we young volunteers to make the change, environmental education activities, and environmental processes organized youth participation, taking some clear principles that will really change as are mentioned: Young educates young generation learn with other education and practice.

In Colombia, still we believe that change is possible and that together work from each of our countries we are helping to further the conservation of natural areas, improving the environment and the mitigation of adverse effects such as climate change this is how we give a voice of hope and encourage all countries of the world so that together we act individually to make the changes of magnitude more.

Thanks you so much,

Brenda M. Arias Mendoza 


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  • says :
    This is very commendable, thanks for the report Brenda. keep it up!
    Posted 10-11-2015 07:01

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing such nice report .
    Posted 07-11-2015 19:01

  • says :
    So glad to know that critical environmental issues like climate change, water and biodiversity were highlighted in the Latin American Youth and Environment Conference 2015. I am sure youth networking built a synergy to work together for environmental conservation in diverse ways.
    Thank you for sharing dear Brenda :)
    Posted 05-11-2015 23:46

  • says :
    Posted 04-11-2015 20:09

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Meeting like this LATIN AMERICAN YOUTH AND ENVIRONMENT CONFERENCE 2015 can really make a difference and the proposals out of these can be forwarded to the big Summits like forthcoming COP21 and can impact decisions by global leaders. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 04-11-2015 03:51

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well done Breana & Good report. The pics are really descriptive. Nice to know that Columbia is one of the richest countries in biodiversity in the world.
    Posted 03-11-2015 20:45

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for report Brenda and to share with us the event. Moreover, I am very glad on seeing someone from Colombia in action! =) Keep up the green spirit.
    Posted 03-11-2015 12:29

  • says :
    Oh very nice... is excellent the participation of youth in the meeting environmental
    Posted 03-11-2015 08:52

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