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cracker free diwali day 2

by | 05-11-2015 08:30 recommendations 0

After a successful day campaign I realized that it's better to stop people during the act rather than explaining them what that act may lead.

So usually night is the time when most people go out and bust crackers. Why not stop them at that time only.

I went out at night on the streets to convince people not to buy crackers. As well as the were told how a crackers effect the environment.

Got a great response on streets. Looking forward for green Diwali

no crackersfound her  buying crackers, but she agrees to go crackers freeon streetsno crackers

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  • says :
    Very interesting mobilization, congratulations!
    Posted 25-11-2015 08:45

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well done Sakshi. Pic with posters seems very effective indeed. Cracker free Diwali, that's what we will celebrate in Dubai
    Posted 11-11-2015 18:41

  • says :
    Yes dear bindu going out for the campaign at night was a little difficult but it was much required
    Posted 09-11-2015 00:03

  • says :
    I am so glad to see you going out at night (which is not much allowed in our communities) and convincing people not to buy crackers. Your tireless efforts are praiseworthy dear Sakshi :)
    Posted 08-11-2015 19:12

  • says :
    Dear rajashree you are ignoring the pollution caused by the crackers and how animals humans and nature is effected by it. Diwali was never about crackers. It was a festival of light .it is us who have misunderstood the real meaning of Diwali
    1)crackers cause pollution. The harmfull gases released affect our environment.
    2) even the workers at cracker factory later suffer harmful effects.
    3)animals dear rajashree animals are the most effected . Many birds die during Diwali days, I think every environment lover would have seen how dogs react to crackers .how helpless animals feel.
    I would go on but dear mate , if you talk about only human benifit I would say still there are harmfull effect in human , pregnant lady, old people ,people with asthma. The human race suffer too.
    Dear mate it's not only the world of human we don't own this world we SHARE it with those animals trees insect etc.
    Rather than waiting for Diwali to bust crackers to kill insects let's search for better insecticide.
    Posted 08-11-2015 09:47

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    You are doing very well. I hope the campaign mobilize people regarding the issue.
    Posted 08-11-2015 08:33

  • says :
    The use of cracker during Diwali festival in India has a scientific reason.

    During this period, in the 2nd week of Nov, mainly the period of NEW MOON , lot of insects / germs , those are harmful for human / society come out in nature, like insect & germs killer the crackers are being used.
    Like this all the Hindu traditions have scientific reasons , which need to be known to get the advantages and that should not be misguided.

    So we should rethink the use of cracker, not all those are causing pollution / dangerous / not safe. We should think of balancing the situation.
    Posted 08-11-2015 01:31

  • says :
    Yes harmanjot it was much required in India
    Posted 06-11-2015 10:45

  • says :
    Thank you dear shanti
    Posted 06-11-2015 10:44

  • says :
    Thank you mates your appreciation always inspire
    Posted 06-11-2015 10:43

  • says :
    Great job.I am sure that you will create awareness among people about an eco friendly Diwali! Keep it up.
    Posted 06-11-2015 04:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    You are genuinely putting in sincere efforts at grassroot level to have an impactful 'Crackerfee and Pollution freee Diwali. Thanks for sharing. Good job, proud of you.
    Posted 05-11-2015 18:31

  • says :
    I live in India and I am truly happy too see such effort
    Posted 05-11-2015 12:30

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