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Why Nigeria's Failure to Submit INDC is a Source of Concern

by | 05-11-2015 12:30 recommendations 0

It's twenty five days to the start of the 21st edition Conference of Parties(COP 21) in Paris, France. Preliminary talks has been held at the UN 70th general assembly and at the Bonn climate change negotiations and the UNFCCC is now preparing the global reports that will set the tone for negotiations in Paris.

Ahead of COP 21, nations of the world were requested to submit their Intended Nationally Determined Contribution(INDC), it's a report that is expected to comprehensively state a nation's plan towards combating climate change in its best interest. A deadline of October 1st, 2015 was set for the submission of the INDC and many countries responded brilliantly to the call. So far, about 152 countries have submitted their INDC but sadly, my country Nigeria is yet to submit her INDC to UNFCCC.
In fact, current information from the department of climate change in the Nigerian ministry of Environment is that the report has been submitted to the presidency for vetting and that it's financial implications might have resulted in the delay in approving it for submission. As I write this, Nigeria is yet to submit her INDC and it's particularly disappointing owing to the position the country occupies in Africa.

Nigeria is responsible for about 75 percent of Africa's 3% contribution to global emission and a big oil producing nation with an economy that is largely dependent on black crude. With a population of 170 million people which is expected to increase rapidly in the next few years, everyone expected Nigeria to show more commitment in the fight against climate change.
The INDC of Nigeria is very important because this is a country with the highest deforestation level in the world, it's also one of the most vulnerable to climate change effects as two flood disasters between 2012 and 2015 displaced over 2.2 million of her population and left about 406 killed. Part of Nigeria's population at the lake chad basin has also been affected by the shrinking of Lake Chad from 33,000 to 300 square kilometers with livelihood of millions already lost. Nigeria is also experiencing desertification in some parts of her northern region and equally important is the fact that Nigeria's emission will increase in the next few years as she explores her oil and mine industry.
This is the reason why her INDC is very important.
That a country like Kenya submitted hers on 24/07/2015 shows the difference in the climate change commitment of both countries.

Now, it's not certain that Nigeria's INDC will get any consideration when she finally submits as the UNFCCC may not have enough time to go through it and this will be an important opportunity missed. Hitherto to this, it was likely that Nigeria's INDC would have been used as a benchmark for other African countries and now, the country risks missing out on the opportunity to state her position and may now be forced to work with the standard set by other African countries.

Nigeria's failure to submit her INDC is also surprising given the unexpected commitment President Buhari has shown already towards protecting the environment. One may also be forced to think that the delay in the appointment of ministers may have had a hand in it but then, I still expect that Nigeria submits her INDC even though it may no longer count.
However, this does not show good signs for Nigeria ahead of the COP 21.

Photo: Darwinek
Map of Nigeria

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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing
    Posted 25-11-2015 08:45

  • says :
    Thanks everyone for your deep concern!
    Posted 14-11-2015 17:43

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Nigeria is on back foot for sure but we expect affluent nations to help them to mitigate the climate change effects.
    Thanks for report, Udeh.
    Posted 11-11-2015 19:06

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a shame! Gov. authorities must take environment issues with more seriousness!!!
    Posted 08-11-2015 08:31

  • says :
    thanks for the report
    Posted 06-11-2015 21:58

  • says :
    Better Late than Never. For country like Nigeria with 20th in GDP , shows poor interesr in Mitigating Climate change effect. I do hope country's leader give due focus on the most crucial issuse.
    Posted 06-11-2015 14:11

  • says :
    It's tragic to know that Nigeria hasn't been able to submit INDC till date and rightly said, late submission may lag it from being well reviewed. Being responsible for 75 percentage of emission from Africa, Nigeria certainly needs to pay due attention for this serious issue before it's too late. I am hopeful that developed countries would assist developing countries for technical and financial assistance in adapting and mitigating climate change.
    Thank you for drawing attention in this serious issue dear UDEH.

    Posted 05-11-2015 23:56

  • says :
    The failure of Nigeria to submit her INDC shows a lack of committment and purpose on the part of the Leaders of the Country towards combating climate change. The Leaders should be made to realise that they have a great role to play towards environmental preservation. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 05-11-2015 19:09

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Nigeria's failure to submit it's INDC clearly shows lack of Nigerian leaders' interests towards environment conservation and mitigating climate change. It's bad not only for Nigeria but also for entire Africa. Thanks for sharing, Udeh.
    Posted 05-11-2015 18:38

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