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The effect of seasonal disease on Indian cattle and their solution – A project by Shibajyoti

by | 08-11-2015 22:33 recommendations 0

My brother Shibajyoti Choudhury, who is a student of  Class- VII in Kendriya Vidyalaya -2, GCF, Jabalpur , India, had done project on  The effect of seasons disease among cattle in India  and their solution under guidance of Mrs. Kirti Yadav , their science teacher.  The study was done in the villages around Jabalpur , Madhya Pradesh, India .  

Weather and climate plays vital role  to drive economy of any nation. We have seen in our day to day life due to change in weather, we citizen face problem to get fresh vegetables, milks and other food items from villages. So we feel the villages have  a greater  impact due to change in weather and climate.

From school we were told to form a team of 3 to 5 students from  class VI to VIII and select a suitable project related to the change of  weather and climate. We formed a team of 5 members and collected information of issue related  to climate changes.  On discussion we had planned to start the work   on the problem faced by nearby  villages. 

We have visited nearby 10 villages  and met 4 villagers at Jabalpur city , collected information  about their day to day issues related to change of weather and collected their top 5 issues in standard format.  All the interviewed villagers had  kept their view about loss of agriculture due to major change in weather and 2nd. Top issue was  diseases among the domestic animals and their high rate of death.  

To control the top most issue, need to control rain and which is beyond our control , so we have selected the 2nd. Highest is that, the seasonal diseases among animals. As animals need extra care like children,  mainly during seasonal change that was the main challenge for the villagers to protect them various seasonal diseases.



Aim of the study :- To reduce death of domestic animals around Jabalpur due to  seasonal diseases   / infected diseases  as an effect of weather and climate .

objective of the study :-  In order to achieve this aim, we have 

1.      Studied the diseases infecting domestic animals around Jabalpur, MP.

2.      Collected information about precaution to be taken and treatment to be provided.

 3.  Survey the actual situation in villages.

4.   Sharing  our action plan with villagers and circulated leaflets .



Name and address of Group leader and coworkers

1.      Shibajyoti Choudhury           – Leader                          

2.      Anurag  Pradhan    - Dy. Leader

3.      Prakhar   Dubey         - member                            

4.      Mrinal  Deb   - Member

5.      Tanishq   Londe             - member

Name and address of guide    :-   Mrs. Kirti  Bala Yadav, Kendriya Vidyalaya - 2, GCF , Jabalpur , MP




ABSTRACT  :-  Change in weather and climate have deep impact on environment, people , agriculture and animals. I have noticed these changes in my city Jabalpur too . What we found the  most pathetic was the  condition of the villages.


Our team went to villages and after interaction with the villagers we learnt about the various problems they faced due to the change in weather & climate. Our group collected issues from  the villages , among which we found the frequent illness during change in season and death of animals to be a serious issue.


We visited nearby, villages collected information like annual death of animals, the diseases causing them etc. We tabulated the data collected, browsed in the internet and searched for disease?s cures . Our team went to the veterinary animal farm in our city and discussed on this issue with the doctors in the farm which gave us information about the various diseases , cures for it and the need of timely vaccination.


Our team shared the gathered knowledge with villagers , we found that being illiterate many of them were not aware about the cures/ the free guidelines and facilities provided by the government for vaccination.


The village panchayats are trying to help the villagers but they have the limitation. We are trying to reduce the gap by our this project. The flow of work is attached in the next page.



Hypothesis :-  The milkman , Mr. Iswar ,who is daily supplying milk at  our house for last 4 months, comes form Hinotia village , which is around 15 Km from Jabalpur and found the quality milk not consistence. Taste wise and the amount of paneer extracted were  found wide variation on weekly basis .  After lot of enquiry we planned to visit his house. Before that he had agreed that his one cow  is sick  and ready to supply milk  of other cow.


Before that we found in our survey that the sickness of animal is another issue in the nearby villages  and we planned to visit few  villages to observe the actual situation.


Similar feedback was received from our friends and team members about the milk quality of the local villages .  There is great uncertainty of the quality of milk in the Jabalpur area and have  thus planned to work on the project to resolve the issue .




The recommended  diet  ( food ) for cattle



Grain Maize   - Corn 


30%  - 35 %


Cake mustard Cotton ( Khali )


20% - 25%


Wheat Bram ( Choper )


15 - 20%


RIce Polices ( Kura )


15 - 20%


Mineral mixture


3 %







Summary of Dairy farm visit observation

Sl. No.

Villager Name

Village Name  & Police station


Fallen sick



Ram lal  yadav

Pipariya, PS - Khamariya





Sonu Yadav

Umariya,PS Khamariya





Surendra kumar

Sonpur , PS Khamariya





Sri Prasad

Khaliwara, ps barela




Sub Total









We have seen the system in Government dairies are better  and the death due to  seasonal diseases are rarely found. Where as the situation in villagers end  are not satisfactory , which shown in our power point presentation.  


Result :-

1.      By proactive action and better cattle  management , the loss of animals and  production of infected milk can be avoided .

2.      The regular loss of animal can be avoided with little extra expenditure for better management and infrastructure development.

3.       In the starting of rainy season one set vaccine will save animals from most of the seasonal diseases, which will save the animals, ensure their proper health and milk production, which is given result in Govt. dairy farms.



      The Infection of diseases in the various seasons is a major issue in the local villages , but not in the Govt. dairy farm.

      Well-defined solution / vaccination system is available with Govt. Veterinary department , but  need to reach to the villagers to protect their animals. 

      Villages should come out from their old mind set and follow the modern scientific treatment and save their animals from all such seasonal diseases due to weather and climate changes.



Solution of the problem :-

1.To avoid the loss of animal and milk production, cattle management to be improved, need training and adoption of modern dairy technology.

2. Need to spread the awareness among the society to   avoid supply / purchase of infected milk.

3. Need government involvement to control the dairy industries and their product quality.

4, Regular inspection of sold milk to be started by food inspector  to control / punish the defaulters .


Our future plan:-

1. To learn about the animal treatment recommended

2. Make suitable instruction in Hindi for villagers.

3.  Make a song on vaccination guidelines in Hindi for people to get information about the vaccines  easily.

4.  Share the system for proper cattle management to villagers.

5.  Reduce the gap  between the Govt. guide line and actual practices.

6. Reduce death of animals in local villages


Our learning from the project:-

issue faced by villagers mainly due to change in weather.

The system of animal husbandry at villages and  Govt. farm.

The seasonal diseases among domestic animals.

The treatment available for domestic animals.

How to work in team

How to collect data , record them and graphical presentation.  like these many more.



The entire team would like to thank the following people and organization for their tremendous support.

      Our Guide , Mrs. Kriti Bala Yadav for contact guidance.

       The Doctors of the Jabalpur Govt. Veterinary college.

       The villagers for sharing information.

        The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India  for organizing such event for school students and encouraging  for scientific study.

       Our parents for support us and to take to the villages  and all those were supported us directly and indirectly


There hardly any control on the seasonal diseases among the  villages  and  small dairy farms owner were seen by team., where 27 % cattle are found  sick and infected milks are being supplied to nearby cities in India, which need to be controlled.



1098765432various diseases

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  • says :
    Very complex article but thank you for sharing!
    Posted 25-11-2015 08:36

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Amazing report Rajashree. This is very well detailed & informative report. Health of animals is very important & nice to know that govt. takes good care of them.
    Good pics & graphs. Wee dode.
    Posted 11-11-2015 20:28

  • says :
    Thanks for the vivid report with lot of research on issues of Indian Cattle.I really appreciate your efforts.looking forward to read your next report.
    Posted 10-11-2015 17:03

  • says :
    Wonderful way to apprise people at local level. Research on Seasonal disease amongst cattle is very less talked about even though cattle are indispensable part of our environment.
    Very well researched work.
    Posted 09-11-2015 21:47

  • says :
    Thanks Sakshi !
    Posted 09-11-2015 20:17

  • says :
    I appreciate your work dear mate keep up
    Posted 09-11-2015 13:14

  • says :
    Thank you Arushi and Bindu, thanks for your moral support. Yes the project is going and we will try to improve the situation.
    Posted 09-11-2015 11:43

  • says :
    Dear Rajashree, thank you for presenting the details research about seasonal disease in Indian cattle and ways for solution. I appreciate your future plan to outreach villagers and instruct them for healthy animal management.
    Wish you all the best :)
    Posted 09-11-2015 10:38

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I appreciate your eagerness and anxiety to know the reason behind deteriorating milk quality. So happy to see you getting into the depth of the issue and doing the survey . Thanks for a very informative and inspiring report. Keep up the good work.
    Posted 09-11-2015 03:52

  • says :
    Yes , this is our 1st. group project.
    Posted 09-11-2015 01:06

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