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African Union Agenda 2063 Youth Summit in Addis Ababa

by | 11-11-2015 05:55 recommendations 0

Arriving Addis
I recently returned to Nigeria from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia after the African Union Agenda 2063 Youth Summit which held at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa. 
The summit which was the brainchild of the Youth Alliance for Leadership and Development for Africa Addis Ababa University chapter (YALDA AAU) in partnership with the African Union Commission (AU Youth Division)  brought about 200 great and passionate African youths from all parts of the world to the diplomatic capital of Africa in Ethiopia. 
It was a huge event and a greatly successful one too. 
The summit which held from October 29th to November 1st, 2015, aimed to popularize the AU Agenda 2063 which was unveiled in 2013 as a 50 year road-map towards to total development of Africa. According to the conference paper, "we believe that unity is the way forward and our strength as Africa and we therefore wish to stand in solidarity with our leaders and policy makers in working towards an Africa we want". The general theme of the conference was the "Agenda 2063" with a special focus on the theme of the African Union declaration of the year 2016 as "African Year of Human Rights with particular focus on the Rights of Women". So, the youth summit worked on Agenda 2063 with a special focus on Agenda 2063's Human Rights and Women's Sector. 
The first day of the summit witnessed the opening ceremony and active interactions between delegates and it was soon the second day of the summit. 
At about 9:15am, we had  arrived the AU Headquarters boasting of a magnificent architectural masterpiece that got all the delegates quickly taking pictures immediately after touching down. 
With our tags or entry permit on, we all walked into the old conference hall of the AU for our first General Assembly. As we later witnessed, the new AU building was reserved for the final day of the summit which was also the African Youth Day. 

At the AU

At the first General Assembly, we had welcoming remarks for the Agenda 2063 Youth Summit first from the AUC Head of Youth Division, Dr. Beatrice Njenga followed by another one from the Dean of Students in Addis Ababa University, Dr. Mesele Mengistab and then, it was the turn of the Executive Director of YALDA AAU, Ms. Bitania Lulu- a young talented leader and student of Addis Ababa University- to speak on the Youth Summit. It was after then that the delegates where assigned into three different committees as delegations of a different member state other than your original country with a mandate to come up with resolutions on their committee topics. 
The three committees where: 

- Gender Equality, Women in Business and Entrepreneurship 

- Right to Health and Right to Education 

- Youth Civic Space and Diaspora in Youth 

I was in the third committee much to my delight and a delegation of the Republic of South Africa. 
The  first General Assembly ended and we went swiftly into plenary Model African Union committee session I and motions. It was a great start as we had lots of fantastic ideas from delegates amidst initial struggles by others to adapt to parliamentary rules.

During General Assembly

By the time we went for lunch and returned for the MAU committee session II, we almost immediately went into an unmoderated caucus sharply divided into regions. I was having a productive deliberation which delegates in my group dominated by SADEC member states. I raised the problems of  age limitation for Youth participation in politics, closed border policies against fellow member states, climate change challenges, exchange programmes with our diaspora youth, making the youth organs of the five regional bodies active among others. I am sad that not all of them made it to the final resolutions but I am equally impressed that a good number of them did. I was impressed with the quality of my group during the unmoderated caucus and their deep knowledge of Africa. 

Me during a General Assembly Session

The third day of the summit commenced with a General Assembly briefing and soon we went into our various committees to complete our resolutions. We did and later reconvened for the final General Assembly to vote and pass the resolutions of the three committees. 
The resolutions of the first and second committee passed with minimal contentions and it was the turn of my committee's resolutions to be read and voted for. There were some contentious issues including one on the Pan African Youth Union working with the National Youth Council which I actively opposed as I believe that the NYC have become a political tool in the hands of ruling governments of member States and hence, does not really represent the Pan African views of the Youths. After several debates and counter debates, we had two amended clauses to satisfy my recommendation and I am happy to see it in the final resolution. 

But then, I was billed to speak on Climate Change in Africa ahead of COP 21 at the final General Assembly session but I time didn't permit so, I waited for the next day which was the African Youth day. 
I raised the issue of a possible climate crisis in Africa if we fail to act now. I later shared a few copies of my "Message to AU Member States Ahead of COP 21" while I sent others by email(I will soon publish it here). It was then that the AU honored eight young Africans from different countries as Youth Heroes who have done distinguishing works in the continent. 

Me during a General Assembly Session
I was really delighted when I got the final resolutions and found some of my recommendations on in there including this one on green economy and climate change "Emphasize green technology as investment opportunities to the youths by: 
- Appointing youth ambassadors for climate-friendly advances". 
I will detail the Agenda 2063's plans for climate change in my next article. 

It was a great event that gave great young African leaders a huge sense of belonging. The African Union was great in its hosting just as YALDA AAU were superb in its organization. I was very impressed by the students of Addis Ababa university who made this happen. From Bitania Lulu, the Executive director of YALDA AAU to Hindia Mahmmud and Sofanit Beza and others, it was indeed a testament that the youths of Africa are ready to lead the continent to her dreamland. 

With Bitania Lulu and Hindia Mahmmud
I found time to visit the National museum in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa university and the Nigerian embassy in Addis Ababa where the unprecedented hospitality of Ambassador Usman Baraya capped an already superb trip for me in Ethiopia. 
I was encouraged by the one spirit of Africa and immense commitment of fellow delegates to a united Africa in pursuit of the Agenda 2063. The passion was immense and running over. I had no doubt that is where I want to be, in the heart of Africa actively planning and involved in her dream development. 
We shall gather again in Addis Ababa to speak for Africa this time, with a great level of achievement of the AU Agenda 2063. 
Peace to Africa!

Official Picture

Me with Ngozi Emmanuel and another delegate

With Rinmicit Temlong and delegates

On the African Youth Day


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  • says :
    Amazing story, congratulations!
    Posted 25-11-2015 01:22

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I am so glad that you were part of this African Union Summit.
    Youth has immense potential and should be involved in decision making process of issues like environmental projects. Your recommendation on emphasis on green technology and proposal of appointing youth ambassadors are great and deserve to be applauded and accepted. Good job . Thanks for sharing your experience of African Union Summit.
    Posted 12-11-2015 03:18

  • says :
    Thanks Rohan! I have worked on the pictures.
    Posted 11-11-2015 23:56

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well Done Udeh Your detailed report is well received. If you can fix some pics pls look into the same.
    Congrats for inclusion of your recommendations in the final resolutions.
    Posted 11-11-2015 21:00

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