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Inside African Union Agenda 2063 Climate Change Plans

by | 11-11-2015 06:15 recommendations 0

Masisiwe village,Tanzania

Photocredit: Tadeo Alfonsi Tave

The African Union Agenda 2063 is a Pan African roadmap for the continents development in the next fifty years from 2013 when it was launched. According to the AU, it came "50 years after the first thirty-three independent African States took a landmark decision to form the Organization of African Unity" now the African Union.

The Agenda 2063 has seven aspirations with about 55 goals.
Particularly interesting in the Agenda 2063 is its climate change and environmental  plans owing to the huge vulnerability of the continent to climate change effects as evident in flood disasters in Nigeria, melting of ice-caps in South Sudan amongst others.
The plans are captured exquisitely in the Aspiration 1 of the Agenda 2063.

First, you find in the sixth operative clause of Goal 2 under Aspiration 1 a glowing capture of an immensely important goal.
"Africa's unique natural endowments, its environment and ecosystems, including its wildlife and wild lands are healthy, valued and protected, with climate resilient economies and communities".
Going down to its Goal 7, is the plan to utilize Africa's immense and hitherto underused water resources, "Africa's Blue/ocean economy, which is three times the size of its landmass, shall be a major contributor to continental transformation and growth, through knowledge on marine and aquatic biotechnology, the growth of an Africa-wide shipping industry, the development of sea, river and lake transport and fishing and exploitation and beneficiation of deep sea mineral and other resources". This goal should be achieved with much caution and the clause in the Goal 2 above covers my fears for Goal 7.

African Union

The most critical issue of climate change and possible climate refugees as well as issues of vulnerability were well addressed in  Goal 8 which says, "Whilst Africa at present contributes less than 5% of global carbon emissions, it bears the brunt of the impact of climate change. Africa shall address the global challenges of climate change by prioritizing adaptation in all our actions, drawing upon skills of diverse disciplines with adequate support (affordable technology development and transfer, capacity building, financial and technical resources) to ensure implementation of actions for survival of the most vulnerable populations, including islands states, and for sustainable development and shared prosperity".

But more short term climate change plans were addressed in Goal 9 "Africa will participate in global efforts for climate change mitigation that support and broaden the policy space for sustainable development on the continent. Africa shall continue to speak with one voice and unity of purpose in advancing its position and interests on climate change".

South Sudan

Photocredit: aljazeera.com

Finally, to capture a partial extension of Goal 7 and round off the AU Agenda 2063 plans for the environment and climate change, the Goal 10 of Aspiration 1 says, "Africa shall have equitable and sustainable use and management of water resources for socio-economic development, regional cooperation and the environment".

I am really impressed by this wonderfully thought goals for the environment and climate in Africa, I commend the AU for having such a comprehensive plan but with Agenda 2063, we have to prove that we as good with paperworks as we are with implementation. We must pursue this Agenda aggressively starting from the COP 21 in Paris this December. The goals are achievable and must be achieved. With many African countries engaged in huge solar projects that will even export solar power outside Africa and with an army of motivated and aware population, the signs are good that we will achieve these goals.
Of course, I am totally committed towards achieving the environment, energy and climate plans of the Agenda 2063 to ensure the Africa we want.

AUC staff and African Youths

Me at the AU


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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    All the luck in tackling these goals!
    Posted 25-11-2015 01:20

  • says :
    I am sure that these goals shall be accomplished in near future.Thanks for reporting!
    Posted 12-11-2015 04:26

  • Arushi Madan says :
    All the best to Africa, you and all the residents of Africa to achieve these impressive and practical goals. I am sure with bright youth leaders like you it is possible. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 12-11-2015 03:20

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Goals are in-fact achievable & I agree Udeh. The agenda must be followed aggressively to ensure its success.
    Posted 11-11-2015 21:03

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