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Sharing Opportunity Continues

by | 11-11-2015 15:42 recommendations 0

 After sharing about Global Youth Eco- Leadership Summit (GYELS), 2016 in Janapriya Public School my next destination was Grandee English Secondary Boarding School, where I did my schooling and worked as a guest teacher earlier this year.

On 28th October, at 2pm in the afternoon I reached the school and met the principal Mrs. Mina Gurung, whom I had already informed through phone call. I greeted other teachers in staff room and informed them about my purpose of visit too. Then, I along with few other teachers moved to the auditorium hall and made necessary arrangements for presentation via projector. This time I had prepared PowerPoint presentation along with screenshots and description of procedures to submit application form for the competition.

Nearly 150 students of Grade 9 and 10 were called upon and I began explaining. I realized happy and excited faces of students as I continued with their curious non- verbal gestures. It was much easier to explain this time as students could see clearly in the big screen via projector. I detailed steps from creating a new account, theme of essay, selection criteria and point system as well. It nearly took me one hour to explain them in detail as it was very new to many of them.

I requested their respective class teachers of Environment, Health and Population studies to provide them with the formats of CV and make them write what I displayed in my presentation so that it would be easier for them to understand. My sincere thanks to those supportive teachers.

The challenges I have mentioned in my earlier post hold true in this case also as students aren't used to surfing internet and most of their homes don't won laptop/computers. Overcoming the challenges, happy news is I have already seen some of those students created new accounts and most probably will submit their application within few days.

For sure, it was a privilege for me to share the wonderful experience I lived during GYELS 2015 with the students of school where I was once a student.

My best wishes are there with each and every applicant of GYELS 2016. I will never get tired of thanking Tunza Eco- generation and Samsung Engineering as well as Korea Green Foundation for providing this golden opportunity to emerging eco- leaders.

(PS- Sorry the picture quality isn't good as they were shot in dark hall)



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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing, that's very interesting :)
    Posted 25-11-2015 01:18

  • says :
    Brilliant job Bindu! I am proud of your work.
    Posted 14-11-2015 03:01

  • says :
    Dear Arushi sister, yeah they were very glad to know about such an opportunity for young students. But as they aren't much habituated of using internet and don't own laptop/computer it was a bit challenging for them to make the best use of this opportunity. Nevertheless, some of them have already applied and some will apply soon.
    Thank you so much for your kind feedback dear sister :)
    Posted 12-11-2015 19:15

  • says :
    Dear Rohan, yeah they were very keen to know about the GYELS 2016 application process. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am hopeful they would emerge as eco- leaders. Happy Diwali :)
    Posted 12-11-2015 19:13

  • Arushi Madan says :
    You touched the lives of 150 youngsters by your enlightening presentations and I am sure many of them would have been convinced to apply for GYELS. Hearing motivation talk from someone like you is a great opportunity and these children were lucky to have you with them.
    Posted 12-11-2015 03:36

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    The curious faces of the students depicts how keenly they are listening to you. Another well presented event. You are doing a commendable job Bindu.
    These children will potentially care for the environment & serve for Nature.
    Keep it up & all the best, Happy Diwali!
    Posted 11-11-2015 21:24

  • says :
    Dear Anisha, wish you all the best :)
    Posted 11-11-2015 19:19

  • says :
    Yeah exactly dear Dewi, it was a very new topic to them and they were very excited :)
    Posted 11-11-2015 19:18

  • says :
    Thank you for giving such a wonderful opportunity to us
    Posted 11-11-2015 19:06

  • Dewi Retno S says :
    I can see how interested all of them when you gave presentation. Thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 11-11-2015 17:11

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